The Office of the Academic Registrar, Bishop Stuart University has released admission lists for Undergraduate and Postgraduate applicants, August Intake Academic Year 2024/2025. All applicants are requested to check through these lists carefully.
For any inquiries, kindly reach the Admissions Office through +256 707 200707 or +256 707 200703. Email: or
Please note the following;
- We are still open for August Intake AY 2024/2025 and the closing date of admission will be communicated soon. Follow this link for the call for applications (August Intake 2024/2025):
Apply online through
I congratulate you upon being admitted to Bishop Stuart University.
Our God Reigns.
Dr. Noel Kansiime Kiiza
For. Academic Registrar
Admission Lists
PhD Admission List General - August Intake 2024/25
1 file(s) 186.55 KB
Postgraduate Admission List General - August Intake 2024/25
1 file(s) 515.81 KB
Undergraduate Admission List General - August Intake 2024/25
1 file(s) 3.92 MB