University Council Committees

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Committee of appointments and staff welfare (2018 – 2022)
Prof. Elly N. Sabiiti - Chairperson CoASW, BSU

Prof. Elly N Sabiiti

Born on 12th November 1951, Prof. Elly N Sabiiti is a Professor of Crop Sciences and the current Chairperson Committee of Appointments and Staff Welfare (CoASW) of Bishop Stuart University.

  1. The Chairperson of the Committee is appointed by the Chancellor on the recommendation of the University Council.
  2. Except for the appointment of the Vice-Chancellor and Deputy Vice-Chancellor(s), all academic and non-academic staff members are appointed by the University Council on the recommendation of the Committee of Appointments and Staff Welfare.
  3. The Committee of Appointments and Staff Welfare is, except as it is otherwise provided for by the Charter, be responsible for the appointment, promotion, and removal from office of all officers of the academic and administrative staff in the service of the University with the approval of Council.
  4. Members of the Committee of Appointments and Staff Welfare are appointed for a period of four (4) years but are eligible for re-appointment.
  5. The Committee of Appointments and Staff Welfare may in the discharge of its functions invite any person to give technical advice in any meeting of the Committee.
Prof. Kenneth KagameUniversity Chairperson Council
Mr. Aruho Abdon RutegaUniversity Academic Registrar
CPA Isaac MuzooraUniversity Finance Officer
Committee of Finance, Planning and Properties (2018 – 2022)
Prof. Elly N. Sabiiti - Chairperson CoASW, BSU

Prof. Elly N Sabiiti

Born on 12th November 1951, Prof. Elly N Sabiiti is a Professor of Crop Sciences and the current Chairperson Committee of Appointments and Staff Welfare (CoASW) of Bishop Stuart University.

There is a University Council Committee of Finance, Planning, and Properties whose composition, function, terms, and conditions shall be in accordance with the Statutes. The committee of Finance, Planning, and Properties has functions that include:

  1. Management of funds, assets, and properties of the University.
  2. Recommend for estimates, annual budgets, current, and capital expenditure to be approved by the University Council.
  3. Keep or cause to be kept, nooks of account, of all income and expenditure; cause books of accounts to be prepared and audited by the approved auditors at the end of every financial year.
  4. Make a progressive report, including the assets and liabilities of the University on the last day of the financial year.
  5. Recommend matters of planning and development and appointments with regard to increase and or removal of posts from the establishment of staff.
  6. Undertake all matters as may be referred to it by University council, University Senate e.t.c
  7. Invest any of the funds of the university in such securities as it may from time to time require with the approval of the University Council.
  8. Set up a procedure to be followed for the procurement of works, goods, and services.
Prof. Kenneth KagameUniversity Chairperson Council
Mr. Aruho Abdon RutegaUniversity Academic Registrar
CPA Isaac MuzooraUniversity Finance Officer
Mr. Mugabe Robert KakyebeziMayor, Mbarara Municipality
Disciplinary and Students Affairs Committee (2018 – 2022)

The University Council establishes and constitutes a committee, known as the University Disciplinary and students’ affairs committee.

  1. The committee is comprised of seven members of the University Council, three of whom are non-staff members
  2. The committee has powers to initiate disciplinary proceedings against any member of University staff and students. This committee entertains and adjudicates on any complaints brought to it formally or informally by any person or persons against any member of staff or student
  3. Any person dissatisfied with the decision of the committee may appeal to the full Council, provided the decision of the committee shall only be reversed by a least 2/3 of the members of the University Council sitting.
Prof. Kenneth KagameUniversity Chairperson Council
Mr. Aruho Abdon RutegaUniversity Academic Registrar
CPA Isaac MuzooraUniversity Finance Officer
Rev. Francis MuhangiDean of Students
Audit and Risk Committee (2018 – 2022)

The University Council established and constituted a committee known as the Audit and Risk Committee. The committee is comprised of five members, three of whom shall be council members.

  1. The Committee provides support to the Council in fulfilling its oversight responsibility to the Stakeholders relating to the University’s financial statements and the financial reporting process, preparation of the financial reports and other financial information provided by the University to any regulatory and funding agency or body, the systems of internal accounting and financial controls, the internal audit function, the annual independent audit of the University’s financial statements, the University’s major risk exposures, the legal compliance and ethics programs as established by management and the Council, and the University’s compliance function.
  2. The Committee recommends to council the appointment, compensation, retention, and oversight of the independent registered public accounting firm if any required by the project funding agencies, including the resolution of any disagreements between management and the independent registered public accounting firm hired regarding financial reporting if such a service is required, and each such an independent registered public accounting firm reports directly to the Committee.
  3. The Committee maintains free and open communication with such an independent registered public accounting firm, the Auditor General, the internal auditors, and the management of the University in fulfilling these responsibilities. In discharging its oversight role, the Committee is empowered to investigate any matter brought to its attention with full access to all books, records, facilities, and personnel of the University and the power to retain external counsel or other experts or advisers for this purpose.
  4. The Committee recommends the fees and other retention terms related to any such external counsel, experts, and advisors retained by the Committee. In addition, the Committee will promulgate and have the authority to assure adherence to, policies and procedures regarding compliance with the law, the University’s procedures for circulating these policies, and for educating employees regarding compliance with these policies.
  5. The Committee establishes and maintains procedures for the receipt, retention, and treatment of complaints received by the University regarding accounting, internal accounting controls, or auditing matters and the confidential, anonymous submission by employees of concerns regarding accounting or auditing matters including any allegations of fraud or material misuse of University resources.
  6. The Committee performs such other duties and responsibilities as may be assigned to it the Committee by the Council.
  7. The committee facilitates risk assessment to determine the amount of risk exposure of the assets of the vote and the possibility of loss that may occur, with a view to mitigating such risks.