AgriSCALE Project

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AgriSCALE is a joint initiative for reforming agri-entrepreneurship education in Sub-Saharan Africa. Graduates will have work-life relevant and entrepreneurial skills, as well as competences for tackling global climate change issues through promoting sustainable agriculture. A new network based learning ecosystem will be created by the nine partner universities in Africa (Uganda, Kenya, Zambia) and Europe (Italy and Finland).

Students in the partner universities will learn through problem-based learning (PBL) methods and real-life challenges. A network with industry and societal partners will be created for close collaboration between the academic and industrial sectors.

AgriSCALE is implemented during 2020–2023. It is funded by the Erasmus+ Higher Education Capacity-Building programme with a total budget of approximately 1 million Euros.

Project website:

Project Activities:


AgriSCALE is a collaboration of six African and three European HEIs (Higher Education Institutions). In addition, the HEI consortium operates in close collaboration with local companies and organisations. Source

In Africa

  1. Egerton University, Kenya
  2. Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya
  3. Bishop Stuart University, Uganda
  4. Gulu University, Uganda
  5. Mulungushi University, Zambia
  6. University of Zambia, Zambia

In Europe

  1. Aalto University, Finland
  2. Häme University of Applied Sciences, Finland (coordinating HEI)
  3. University of Pavia, Italy


Project brochure (PDF):  Download.

Annual report 2020–2021 (PDF): Download