Office of the University Librarian

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The University Librarian is appointed by the University Council on terms and conditions that the Council may determine in accordance with the statutes.  The Librarian is in charge of the University’s Library services that support teaching, learning, research, and innovations by faculty and students at various stages in academic progress.

Ms. Annette N Kyamugambi - Ag. University Librarian
Ms. Annette N Kyamugambi – Ag. University Librarian

Full Profile

The Library is the backbone of any academic institution. At Bishop Stuart University, the library is enlarged with new information resources every semester in different formats that is; textbooks, magazines, journals, and also subscription is made for e-books, e-journals as shown on

This supports teaching, learning, research and innovations by faculty and students at various stages in academic progress. The main Library is based at Kakoba Campus, supported by two specialized libraries (The Nursing/Medical Library at Ruharo, Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences & The Law/legal information Library at Faculty of Law). Read more 

Ms. Annette N Kyamugambi


Tel: +256 779 412801

Mob: +256 702 943886

Akampa Richard

Akampa Richard

Akampa Richard is a Library Assistant at Bishop Stuart University. He holds a Bachelors Degree in Library and Information Science obtained from Makerere University (2012-2015).