Postgraduate Academic Programmes

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Explore Postgraduate Academic Programmes under the following faculties;

Postgraduate Programmes offered under the Faculty of Business, Economics and Governance (FBEG)

Doctor of Philosophy in Development StudiesPhD-DS3 YearsWeekend
Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration and ManagementPhD-BAM3 YearsWeekend
Doctor of Philosophy in Public Administration and Management3 YearsWeekend
Doctor of Philosophy in Development ManagementPhD-DM3 YearsWeekend
Doctor of Philosophy in EconomicsPhD-ECON3 YearsWeekend
Master of Social Work MSW2 YearsWeekend
Master of Social Economics and Community ManagementMSECM2 YearsWeekend
Master of Human Resource ManagementMHRM2 YearsWeekend
Master of Business AdministrationMBA2 YearsWeekend
Master of Office Management and Administrative ScienceMOMAS2 YearsWeekend
Master of Science in Procurement and Supply Chain ManagementMPM2 YearsWeekend
Master of Project Planning and Management2 YearsWeekend
Master of Arts in Economic Policy and PlanningMEPP2 YearsWeekend
Master of Arts in Development StudiesMADS2 YearsWeekend
Master of Arts in Public Administration and Management MAPAM2 YearsWeekend
Postgraduate diploma in Development StudiesPG-DS1 YearWeekend
Postgraduate diploma in Project Planning and Management1 YearWeekend
Postgraduate diploma in Financial Management1 YearWeekend
Postgraduate diploma in Public Administration and ManagementPGPAM1 YearWeekend
Postgraduate diploma in Office Management and Secretarial StudiesPG-DOMSS1 YearWeekend
Postgraduate diploma in Human Resource and ManagementPGDHRM1 YearWeekend

Postgraduate Programmes offered under the Faculty of Agriculture, Environmental Sciences and Technology (FAEST)

Doctor of Philosophy in Agriculture and Community InnovationsPhD-ACI3 YearsWeekend
Master of Science Climatic Change and Food Security
MSCCFS2 YearsWeekend
Master of Business Information TechnologyMBIT2 YearsWeekend
Master of Agriculture and Rural Innovations MARI2 YearsWeekend
Master of Agribusiness and Value Chain ManagementMAVM2 YearsWeekend
Master of Science in Agronomy (Dry Land Farming)MSC.A2 YearsWeekend
Postgraduate diploma in Agriculture and Rural InnovationsPG-DARI1 YearWeekend

Postgraduate Programmes offered under the Faculty of Education, Arts and Media Studies (FEAMS)

Doctor of Philosophy in Language, Culture and SocietyPHD-LCS3 YearsWeekend
Doctor of Philosophy in Education Planning, Management and Administration3 YearsWeekend
Doctor of Philosophy in Religion and ModernityPHD-RM3 YearsWeekend
Master of Arts in Literature and CommunicationMALC2 YearsWeekend
Master of Education Management, Planning and AdministrationMEAP2 YearsWeekend
Master of Education in Educational PsychologyMEEPS2 YearsWeekend
Postgraduate diploma in EducationPGDE1 YearWeekend
Postgraduate diploma in Education Management, Planning and AdministrationPGDEMPA1 YearWeekend

Postgraduate Programmes offered under the Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS)

Doctor of Philosophy in Public Health
PHD-PH3 YearsWeekend
Master of Science in Counseling PsychologyMSC.CP2 YearsWeekend
Master of Public HealthMPH2 YearsWeekend
Master of Science in Nutrition and Food SafetyMSC.NFS2 YearsWeekend
Postgraduate diploma in CounselingPG-DC1 YearRegular/Weekend
Postgraduate diploma in Medical EducationPGDME1 YearRegular/Weekend

Postgraduate Programmes offered under the Faculty of Law (FOL)

Master of LawsLLM2 YearsWeekend