Language Center
Bishop Stuart University established a language center to ensure peoples’ successes as bilingual or multilingual professionals, improve their chances of promotion, open doors for international jobs, increase their earning power and enhance their social life. Communication is such a vital thing in the world today especially in Uganda which is a multicultural and multilingual society, presenting unique communication challenges for both nationals and foreigners living and working in the country.
![Mr. Abraham Kubakurungi Kyangungu - [MA. Linguistics, Univ. Of Dar es Salaam), BA. Education, (Mak), Administrative Law Course (LDC), Cert. Public Admin, Cert. Computer Applications]](
Abraham is an educationist, linguist, computer expert, self-motivated and a responsible individual, with an outgoing personality and good communication skills. He is extremely conversant with Uganda’s education systems, curriculum and government policies as well as regional affairs. He is well versed with the knowledge of cultural values and the highest levels of integrity. Read full profile
The Language Center at Bishop Stuart University will provide training and practice of Linguistic competence, academic fluency, cross-cultural adjustment, teaching communicative skills depending on individual needs through a number of options, including, but not limited to; Short courses (2 months), Workshops, Seminars, tutorships, Consultancy in Conference interpretation, document translation etc.
Language courses whose programmes have already been developed include, Kiswahili, French, Chinese, English, and Runyakitara with a plan to introduce Arabic, German and Sign language in the near future.
Most people in East African countries would like to take up different language studies for specific reasons. The ability to speak more than one international language is a vital requirement today as we all know. In Uganda, the urge to learn French mainly arises from proximity to French-speaking countries in the Great Lakes Region and the demand for it in order to work with tourist organizations, hotels and international organizations.
The desire to learn Kiswahili arises from the need to enhance personal communicative ability so as to fit in the East African Community. Similarly, the need for the illiterate and semi-educated to learn English since it is a language of wider communication. More so, Chinese is now considered an important language worldwide because of its increase in presence in the business world, and learning their language would be the best way to open the doors to a lot of other business opportunities.
It is against this background therefore that a language Center was established to teach various basic language skills as an intervention that provides timely support to the community according to their needs.
- To promote the study of local and foreign languages among Ugandan nationals.
- To give adult nationals who are not literate an opportunity to learn and communicate in local and international languages
- To teach local languages to foreigners living and working in Uganda.
- To promote Uganda’s multi-cultural heritage and values.
Fees Structure
Students are required to pay Ugx. 250,000 (Two hundred fifty thousand shillings) for the short course of two months
Duration of Short Courses
The Language Center will provide different periods depending on the choice of different clients as follows;
Programme | Number of hours per day | Number of hours per week | Total period |
Regular/intensive | 4 | 20 | 80hrs in 1 month (4 weeks) |
Evening | 2 | 10 | 80hrs in 2months (8 weeks) |
Weekend | 3 | 6 | 72hrs in 3months (12 weeks) |
Private classes | Classes will be adapted to the needs of clients in harmony with the staff of the Center to set their own timetable, own objectives and a customized/personalized syllabus. |
Assessment and Grading
Students will be required to do at least two course works, tests and examinations; the marks will be as follows:
Course work and Tests 40% and Examination 60%.
Total grading shall be a maximum of 100%.
Grade Interpretation
80- 100=A, 70-79=B+, 60-69=B, 55-59=C+, 50-54=C, and below 49=F
Offered short courses with details
Kiswahili has gained rapid growth and expansion in the world and in Africa in particular. In East Africa, it is the lingua franca; the language used in everyday interactions by many people. In Uganda, Kiswahili is taught in schools and universities both as a subject and to be used as a medium of communication in their specific situations. It is, therefore, important for everybody to understand the language at all its levels. Details
This course targets anyone interested in learning the Chinese language as a short course. Mandarin is the official spoken Chinese in this context, speaking mandarin is akin to speaking the Chinese Language. Students will be taught Mandarin grammar and simplified Chinese characters. Discover more
There are a good number of citizens who would like to take up French language studies and this mainly arises from the proximity to French-speaking countries in the Great Lakes Region. This also has various opportunities that come with it. The teaching of French is and will always be important to this region especially today with the re-introduction of solidarity in the East African Community. Read more
This is an introductory course to all students of Runyakitara. It gives students an overview of different aspects of language, many of which will be studied in detail at later stages. This course introduces students to the study of language in general, and it also introduces them to language courses they will eventually study.