Rev. Charles Mukundane Godfrey

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Rev. Charles Mukundane Godfrey
Rev. Charles Mukundane Godfrey
Lecture and Public Relations Officer

Rev. Charles Mukundane Godfrey is a Lecturer in the Department of Social Work and Social AdministrationFaculty of Business, Economics, and Governance, Bishop Stuart University. He is a PhD Candidate at Mbarara University of Science and Technology.

He holds a Masters Degree in Social Work and Social Administration, a Bachelor of Divinity, and a Diploma in Theology from Uganda Christian University, and a Certificate in Teacher Education (Grade 111 Teacher) from ITEK-the present Kyambogo University.

Charles is an educationist and a researcher. Currently, he is involved in research looking at Gendered Power Relations Food Production and socioeconomic livelihoods in the Ankole Region which is a representation of Uganda and the entire world.

Apart from teaching, he serves as a Public Relations Officer at Bishop Stuart University.

  1. 2013-to date: PhD Candidate, MUST
  2. 2008-2010: Masters in Social Work and Social Administration, UCU
  3. 2005-2007: Bachelor of Divinity (Second Upper Honors), UCU
  4. 2002-2005: Diploma in Theology, UCU
  5. 1989-1991: Grade 111 Teacher’s Certificate, ITEK
  6. 1984-1987: Uganda Certificate of Education (O’Level), Rutooma Secondary School.
  7. 1977-1983: PLE, Mbarara Army Primary School.

2002-2005: Certificate in Counselling, UCU

2011: Certificate in Assessment of Learning in a University, BSU

2012: Certificate in Micro Research, MUST

2014: Certificate in Research Methodology, MUST

2014: Certificate in Methods of Fieldwork, MUST

2015: Certificate in Philosophy of Methods, Makerere University (MUK)

2016: Certificate in E-Learning Pedagogy, Eigth Tech Consullt/BSU

2017: Certificate in Counseling Basic Skills -BSU/Geneva College –USA

2018: Certificate in Advanced Research Methods, Makerere University-MUK

2011(to date) Bishop Stuart University Lecturer and Public Relations Officer
2008- 2011 January Uganda Bible Institute Dean of Students/ Lecturer
2010 Eden International School Chaplain
2009-2010 Bishop Stuart University Teaching Assistant
2007-2008 St.James Cathedral Ruharo Curate
2007-2008 Mbarara High School Ag.Chaplain
1996-2002 All Saints Church Mbarara Lay reader
1994-1996 Kyamugorani COU Lay reader
1991-1993 Rwobuyenje COU Lay reader
1990-1991 Rwobuyenje P/School Ag.Headteacher
1992-1993 Kanyaryeru P/School Class teacher
1994 Biharwe Moslem P/School Classroom teacher