
Prof. Grace Patrick Tumwine Mukubwa

Dean Faculty of Law
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Prof. Grace Patrick Tumwine Mukubwa
Prof. Grace Patrick Tumwine Mukubwa – Dean Faculty of Law
Ph.D. in Law, M.Phil (Financial Law), LLM (Banking and Finance Centre for Commercial Law Studies, LLM (Inter. Legal Studies), LL. B (Hons)

Prof. Mukubwa is a Professor at the Faculty of Law and Dean. He holds a D.Jur. in Law with extensive research, teaching, consultancy experience with plenty of public service overlap. His publications touch on all aspects of law and order.

He is one of the leading constitutional Lawyers in Uganda, having worked for and with the Nigeria Constituent Assembly (1986-1990) as well as Uganda Constituent Assembly (1994-1995) and was the Legal and Constitutional Advisor on the Restructuring of Uganda Government Ministries and Departments, 1997-1998, and the Re-Structuring of Local Governments (Uganda), 2001 (about to start).

He was a consultant on the Drafting of the Condominium Bill and The Health Service Commission Act. He is currently a Legal Advisor/Consultant IGAD Secretariat on Peace in Sudan and also was a consultant on Sempebwa Constitutional Review Commission.


  • Member of the Institute of Examination Regulations Malpractices
  • Member of the Uganda Law Society.

Download my CV here

  1. D.Jur (Doctor of Jurisprudence), Osgoode Hall Law School. York University, Canada (1977-1982)
  2. LL.M, Osgoode hall Law school of York University, Canada (1976-77)
  3. LL.B. (First Class Hons), Dar-es-Salaam University, Tanzania (1972-75)
  4. D.L.P. (Diploma in Legal Practice), Law Development Centre Kampala, Uganda (1991-92)
  5. O’Level & HSC, Kabalega Secondary School (1966-1972)
  6. Primary/Junior Secondary, Mbarara Junior School (1958-1965)

Short Term Trainings

  1. 1995 – Certificate in Effective Management Skills, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda.
  1. A History of Regulations of Life Insurance in Canada 1968-1976 (LL.M.).
  2. Legal Controls on Multinational Corporations in Partnership With Public Corporations in East Africa 1982 (Doctoral Thesis)
  3. Essays in African Banking Law and practice Uganda Law Watch 1998.
  4. Cases in African Banking Law and Practice Uganda Law Watch 1998.
  5. Free and Fair Democratic Elections? Col. (RTD) Dr. Besigye Kiiza v Lt. Gen.
  6. Museveni & another. Makerere University Printery 2008.
  7. Essays in African Banking Law and Practice 2nd Ed. Makerere University Printery 2010.
  8. Insolvency Law in Uganda (forthcoming)
  • 2002: Legal Advisor/Consultant IGAD Secretariat on Peace in Sudan
  • 2001: Legal and Constitutional Advisor on the Re-Structuring of Local Governments in Uganda.  A GOU/DUTCH AID Project (to be executed by IDC) for restructuring of all Local Governments in Uganda,  viz mission/objectives, key functions and activities, delivery systems/structures/job design/staffing levels taking into account all developments following the 1995 Uganda Constitution especially the Local Governments Act 1997 and ramifications thereof.
  • 1997-1998:  Consultant and Legal Advisor on the Re-structuring of  Uganda Government Ministries/ Departments (over 30 re-structured and re-organised under a Consultancy Contract by IDC& Associates), under the auspices of the Administrative Reform Secretariat/ Ministry of Public Service. GC: off/World Bank.
  • 1997: Registered with International Development Consultants Ltd (IDC) as a Consultant.
  • 1994-1995:   Consultant to the Constituent Assembly for the debate and formulation of the 1995 Uganda Constitution.
  • 1986-89: Consultant to the Nigerian Constituent Assembly, Consultant Nigerian Company Reform, Consultant to the Law Reform Committee, Consultant Reform of Copyright Law. Resource Person.
  • 1987-90: Consultant to the Constituent Assembly for the debate and formulation of the constitution of Nigeria
  1. The Economic and Political Basis of Land Law and Policy in Buganda 1900-1966: (1977) MLJ pp29-62.
  2. Patents and Transfer of Technology to Underdeveloped Countries with Special Reference to Zambia (1979) Zambia Law Journal pp 1-32.
  3. The Industrial Development Act of Zambia: Was it Really Necessary? (1979) Zambia Law Journal. Pp139-152.
  4. Towards a Theory of Insurance Regulation in Nigeria (1980) 2 Journal of Insurance 25-35.
  5. Management Contracts: A Case Study of the Northern Nigeria Publishing Company NNPC (1983) Kongo Lawyer pp 1525.
  6. Regulation of Insurance Agents under the Nigerian Insurance Act 1976. A Neglected Aspect of Consumer Protection (1983) Law in Society Journal P. 1-13.
  7. Some Controversial Issues Relating to Damages in the Law of Contract (1984 & 1985) Vol. 2 & 3 A.B.U. Law of Journal.
  8. Pre-Incorporation Contracts: A.B.U. Law Journals 1986.
  9. The Need for Comprehensive Reform of Insurance Law Reform Journal 9-13.
  10. Combining Accounts: A Critique of Garnet v Mckewan (1996) M.L.J. 3-29. Apportionment of Company Powers Between Management and General Meeting. An Analysis of the Debate and Cases: (1998) Vol.1 The Uganda Law Focus PP15-29.
  11. International Human Rights Norms in the Domestic Arena (1997) Vol.3 No. 1 EAJPH32-50.
  12. The Uganda constitution 1995 and Human Rights: Interpretation and Enforcement of Chapter Four Rights and Freedoms: (2000) ULSLR P51-103.
  13. Promotion and Protection of Human Rights in East Africa (2001) EAJPH.
  14. Opening the Floodgates of Jurisprudence of Free Expression (2005) Vol. 11 No.1 EAJPH 21-66.