
Prof. Fina Asinasi Opio

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Prof. Fina Asinasi Opio
Prof. Fina Asinasi Opio
MSC.Crop Sci., PhD-PlantPathology, BSC-Agric.
Professor of Crop Science

Prof. Fina Opio is a professor of Crop Science at Bishop Stuart University and one of Uganda’s top agricultural development experts. She is highly skilled in participatory agricultural research, technology development and dissemination, rural development, plant pathology, bacteriology, gender and agricultural-related issues.  She has wide experience in Agricultural development issues, strategic planning leadership and management, science and technology policy, agricultural development policy and innovations, all built over twenty years of career development path.

Prof. Fina Opio has published over 40 papers in international scientific journals and over 60 papers in conference/workshop proceedings.  Due to her outstanding performance and contribution to Agricultural Science and development, she was recognized by NARO and Awarded “an Outstanding Performance Award in recognition of Excellent Execution of her official Duties as a Scientist in NARO during the Period 1998-2000”.  In 2004 she was recognized by the Forum for Women Educationalists in Uganda and nominated for the SARAH NTIRU Award.  She was the second run-up for Women Achievers of the Year in Uganda. In 2006 she was nominated for the Presidential Science Excellence Award and competed with top eminent scientists in Uganda.

Prof. Fina Opio is a fellow of the Uganda Academy of Science and African Academy of Science.  She was a member of the governing council of Uganda Academy of Science 200-2004; and a Vice-President from 2002 to 2004.

Prof. Fina Opio holds a Ph.D. in Plant Pathology from Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania; a Master of Science in Crop Science from Nairobi University in Kenya; and a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from Makerere University in Uganda.  She has attended a number of courses on research management, strategic planning science, technology policy and innovations, leadership, research management, gender mainstreaming, Biotechnology, Agricultural development and many administration and leadership related courses.  She has excellent interpersonal and communication skills. She is very good and experienced in building and maintaining partnerships both at national, regional and international levels.

Supervision of students

As a professor, Fina lectures and supervises Ph.D., MSc, and Undergraduate students. She is charged with assisting in the strengthening of the research capacity of the University. She is also been charged with developing a mentorship program for staff at the University.

Dr. Fina Opio started her school education at Busia Primary School (1960-61) and later on transferred to Lumino (now Bukwekwe) Primary School (1962 – 1967).  She joined Tororo Girls School for secondary education in 1967 (and stayed up until 1972) where she did both her O-level and A-level.  Because of her apprenticeship and interest in agriculture, she was more interested at school in science subjects that could enable her to pursue a career in agriculture.

In 1973 she was admitted to Makerere University for a Bachelor of Science degree course in agriculture.  Dr. Opio received an Honours degree in agriculture from Makerere University in 1976 with the desire to become one of the country’s research scientists who could help generate information to enable the peasant farmers to improve their methods of farming and improve their productivity.

One of the most important causes of low yields was attributed to too much rain which resulted in diseases that persistently destroyed crops such as cowpeas in her home area at the time.  Her pursuit of a course in plant pathology for her master’s which was undertaken at Nairobi University was to enable her to understand more about how these diseases of crops could be controlled.  Inspired by the different diseases she used to observe on cowpeas, her M.Sc., thesis was on the Epidemiology and control of cowpea rust.  She obtained an M.Sc. in Crop Science with a focus on Plant Pathology.

When working at Kawanda Research Station where she had been employed in 1980, and assigned to work on bacterial diseases. Dr. Opio was faced with a problem of bacterial blight of beans, a disease that even made it impossible for the seed project to multiply beans (for sale to farmers) at their main seed multiplication farm at Kisindi farm in 1983 – 1984.  All the available varieties were susceptible to this disease.  Challenged with the bean common bacterial problem Dr. Opio then undertook to study in detail the factors that were responsible for this serious outbreak.  To equip herself with the techniques to undertake research into this problem; Dr. Opio attended a three-month course on bean pathology at CIAT, CALI, Colombia with an emphasis on bacterial diseases in 1985 (April – July 1985).

Later in the same year, she attended a three-week course on the identification of plant pathogenic fungi and bacteria at the International Mycological Institute (then CMI).  In 1989 she attended a six-week course on field and laboratory techniques in plant bacteriology at the University of Nebraska, USA.  At this University she worked with Professor Dermont Coyne and Professor Anne Vidaver who were renowned for their work and experience with common bacterial blight (CBB) for beans. Dr. Opio again underwent a three-week course in legume pathology at ICRISAT, India later in 1989.  With the knowledge and experience from these short courses Fina then registered for part-time Ph.D. study in Sokoine University, Tanzania and all the research work was done in Uganda.  Dr. Opio’s research resulted in the identification of the nature and extent of the variability of the bacterium causing CBB, its mode transmission, survival, and identification of resistant varieties that could be used in the hybridization program to improve on the acceptable but susceptible bean varieties to CBB.  Dr. Opio’s work on bacterial blight of beans resulted in a recommendation of an integrated approach involving the use of disease-free seed, resistant varieties, destruction of infected crop residue and crop rotation in order to reduce the effects of this disease not only in Uganda but also other Eastern and Central African countries.  She obtained her Ph.D. in 1993.  Some of the work is published in papers listed in the list of publications attached.

During the course of her work, on beans as a pathologist, Dr. Opio had been faced with a problem of persistent high levels of diseased seed in farmers and seed project seed lots.  To reduce this problem Dr. Opio sought to devise a quick but easy means of detecting the presence of fungal, bacterial, or virus infection in bean seed; a method which could be used by seed certification officers for both farmers’ seed and beans for export.  She therefore attended a three-month course on the use of biotechnology with emphasis on the use of Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in the identification and detection of plant pathogens at the Scottish Crops Research Institute in Dunde Scotland, U.K. in 1996.

1. Acting Director of Graduate Studies, Research, Grants and Publications

Dr. Fina Opio was appointed a Professor of Crop Science at Bishop Stuart University on 1 September 2016.  On 1 June 2017, she was appointed Acting Director of Graduate Studies, Research and Innovations. She held this position until 31 January 2021.

2. Director, EMDEVA:  August 2015 to date

Dr. Opio is a Director with Empowerment and Development Associates (EMDEVA). Fina joined EMDEVA in August 2015.  EMDEVA is a not-for-profit Private Company that aims to empower women and youth to engage in profitable Agribusiness. Fina is responsible for providing leadership and ensuring that this organization implements the activities planned.

3. Executive Director, ASARECA: March 2013 – June 2015

Dr. Opio was the Executive Director, ASARECA from 1 March 2013 to 10 June 2015. The Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA) is an association of 11 countries. These are Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Rwanda, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda.  As the ED, Fina was the Chief Executive of ASARECA with the overall responsibility of providing leadership to the Association.

4. Manager of the Staple Crops Program of ASARECA: June 2007 – February 2013

Dr. Opio was appointed a manager, of the Staple Crops Program of ASARECA effective June 1, 2007. The Staple Crops Program was created out of six former networks of ASARECA. These include; the Banana Research Network (BARNESA); East and Central African Maize and Wheat Network (ECAMAW); East and Central Africa Rice Network (ECARRN); East and Central Africa sorghum and Millet Network (ECARSAM); East and Central Africa Root crops network focusing on cassava in ECA (EARRNET); Potato and sweet potato network (PRAPACE).

5. Director of Research, NAARI (Now NACRI): October 1999 – 31 May 2007

Dr. Fina Opio served as a Director, Namulonge Agricultural and Animal Production Research Institute (NAARI) (now NACCRI) from October 1999 to May 2007. NAARI was one of the nine Agricultural Research Institutes under NARO.

6. Head of Beans Programme, NARO: 1993 – 1999

Dr. Opio was first asked to act as Head of the Beans program in 1993, a position she held until she was appointed a program leader in 1996, a position she held up to the end of September 1999. As a program leader, she was responsible for ensuring that the work of the program was carried out as planned and that prioritization within the program was done properly.

1. Experience in analysis and understanding agricultural development innovation issues

Dr. Fina Opio has vast experience in analyzing and undertaking agricultural development innovation issues.  She worked in Agricultural Research for twenty-eight years and carried out several diagnostic and systems analysis of mainly crops and many farming systems.

2. Strategic and applied research

Dr. Fina Opio started her research carrier in 1980 as a scientific officer (plant pathology) at Kawanda Research Station, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry where she was assigned to work on bacterial diseases starting with bacterial wilt of solanaceous crops caused by Pseudomonas solanacearun E. F. Smith in Uganda.

3. Adaptive Research and Farmers’ Empowerment and Technology Dissemination

Dr. Fina Opio, right from the onset of her research career had a desire to solve the farmers’ problems with their involvement and participation. Throughout her research, Dr. Opio involved the farmers. She has involved not only farmers but also other stakeholders in the identification of the problems, priority setting, and technology development validation and dissemination.


Fina has published widely in International Journals.  She has also communicated with other scientists and partners her findings in research through conferences, workshops and meetings and reports.  Details on these are given below.


  1. Francis Kamugisha; Fina Opio; David Osiru and Kenneth Faith Aharunta (2023). Effectiveness of Chia seed powder in comparison to Malathion in the control of bean weevils. East African Journal of Agriculture and Biotechnology 6 (1): 201 – 218
  2. Christine Aturihaihi; Fina Opio; Wycliffe Tumwesigye and Geoffrey Akiki Beyihayo (2023). Smallholder farmers’ coping strategies to perceived climate change and variability in Isingiro District, South Western Uganda. African Journal of Climate Change and Resource Sustainability (AJCCRS) 2 (1): 51 -56
  3. Christine Aturihaihi; Wycliffe Tumwesigye; Fina Opio and Geoffrey Akiki Beyihayo (2023).  Knowledge, Attitude and the Practice of Climate-Smart Agriculture Among Smallholder Farmers in Isingiro District, South Western Uganda. East African Journal of Agriculture and Biotechnology 6(1): 82 – 87.
  4. Ahimbisibwe Jerome Ronalds; Osiru David; and Fina Opio (2023). Some factors influencing uptake of coffee production recommended practices in Kichwamba and Kirugu sub-counties, Rubirizi district, Uganda. East African Journal of Agriculture and Biotechnology 6 (2): 1 – 20.
  5. Tinkasiimire, E, David, O, Fina, O; (2023). Effectiveness of intercropping Cabbage with Lemon Grass on the control of Cabbage aphids in Masheruka Sub- County, Sheema district. International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development 2 (6) March- April 202: 229 – 240
  6. Komushango, B; Fina, O; and Osiru, D (2023); Effect of land fragmentation on smallholder food production in Ibanda District. International Journal of agriculture, Environment and Bioresearch (January – February 2023) 8 (Issue 1):1-15
  7. Zephaline Tumwesigye, Wycliffe Tumwesigye, Fina Opio and Cloe Kemigisha Boaz (2022). The effect of water quality on aquaculture productivity in Ibanda district. Aquaculture Journal 2: 23 – 36
  8. John Muhangi; Herbert Ainamani and Fina Opio (2022). Contribution of Agriculture in Enhancement of Refugees Livelihoods in Nakivale settlements. Open Journal of Applied Sciences (OJAppS) 12 (9): 1525-1526
  9. Nasirumbi Sanya L; Ugen, M,A; Opio F; Mugaga J, I; and Namayanja A;  (2015).  Uptake of resistant varieties and integrated management packages for bean root rot disease in Western Uganda.  Uganda Journal of agricultural Sciences 16 (1): 1-18.
  10. Kubiriba J.; Muthomi J.; Ndungo V.; Kwach J.; Erima R.; Rwomushana I.; Tushemereirwe W.; and Opio F.; (2014).  Strategies for rehabilitation of banana fields infested with Xanthomonas Campestris pv muscearum. Journal Crop Protection, 3(i): 21- 29
  11. Nakato V.; Beed F.; Kubiriba J.; Rwomushana I.; and Opio F.; (2013).  Risk of banana Xanthomonas will spread through trade. Journal of Crop Protection 2(2): 151 – 161
  12. Kassa Y.; Asea G.; Demissew A. K.; Ligeyo D.; Demewoz N.; Saina E.; Sserumaga J.; Twumasi-Afriye S.; Opio F.; Rwomushana I.; Gelase N.; Wondimu F.; Solomon A.; Habtamu Z.; Andualem W.; Bayisa A.; Habte J.; and Mduruma Z.; (2012).  Stability in performance of normal and nutritionally enhanced maize hybrid in Eastern Africa.  Asian Journal of Plant Science 10: 1 – 10
  13. Kinyau M.; Ley G. J.; Hella J. P.; Tenge A. J.; Opio F.; Rwomushana I.; (2013).  Economic analysis of rice legume rotation systems in Morogoro, Tanzania.  International Journal of Agricultural Policy and Research 1(2): 41 – 47
  14. Tenge A. J.; Ley G. J.; Hella J. P.; Kinyau M.; Opio F.; and Rwomushana I.; (2013).  Strategies for improving adoption of lowland rice-legumes technologies.  Journal of Sustainable Development:  Vol 6, No. 7 (2013)
  15. Mitaru B.; Mgonja M.; Rwomushana I.; Opio F.; Eds (2012).  Integrated sorghum and millet sector for increased economic growth and improved livelihoods in Eastern and Central Africa.  Proceedings of the ECARSAM stakeholders’ conference, ASARECA; 184pp
  16. Nkalubo S.T.; .Melis R., Derer J., Laing M. D., Opio F., 2009. Genetic Analysis of Anthracnose resistance in common bean breeding source germplasm. Euphytica (2009) 167: 303 – 312)
  17. Gichuru V., Buruchara R. A., Okori P., Opio F., Ugen M. A., 2006. Identification and characterization of Pythium spp. of major crops in Southwestern Uganda. Phytopathology 96(6): S40.
  18. Gichuru V., BurucharaR. A., Okori,P., Opio, F., Ugen M. A., 2006. Pathogenicity of bean pathogenic Pythium spp.on major crops in a bean based cropping system. Phytopathology 96(6): S40.
  19. Tushemereirwe W.K., Okaasai O., Kubiriba J., Nankinga J., Muhangi J., Odoi N. and Opio F., 2006. Status of banana bacterial wilt in Uganda. African Crop Science Journal (Special Issue on Bacterial Wilt in Uganda) 14 (2): 73-82
  20. Regina Kapinga, Pamela Anderson, Charles Crissman, Dupeng Zhang, Berga Lemaga, and Fina Opio, 2005. Vitamin-A . Partnership for Africa.   A food Based Approach  to Combat Vitamin A Deficiency in Sub-Saharan Africa through Increased Utilization of Orange-fleshed Sweet Potato.  Chronica Horticulture 45(3): 12-14
  21. Namayanja A., Tukamuhabwa P., Opio F., Ugen M. A., Kimani P., Babirye A., Kitinda X., Kabayi P. and Takusewanya R., 2003.  Selection for low fertility bean lines tolerant to root rot.  Bean Improvement Cooperative (BIC), 46:95-96.
  22. Namayanja A., Tukamuhabwa P., Ugen M., Opio F., Kitinda X., Takusewanya R., Eyedu H., Kabayi P., Mukabalanga J., Luyima G., Ssekabembe R., and Sulume J., 2004.  Registration of the improved bean varieties in Uganda 1994-2003. Bean Improovement Cooperative (BIC) 47.
  23. Namayanja A., Tukamuhabwa P., Ugen M., Opio F., Kitinda X., Takusewanya R., Eyedu H., Kabayi P., Mukabalanga J., Ssekabembe R., and Sulume J., 2004.  Release of two new sugar bean varieties in Uganda.  Bean improvement Cooperative (BIC).
  24. Opio F., Bua A, Ugen M., Ebong C, Bigirwa G, Mwanga R., Odongo B., Mubiru S. and Semakula G. 2003. Client Orientation of agricultural research in Uganda: The Namulonge experience. Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences 8: 17 – 28.
  25. Opio A. F., Kayizzi K., tukamuhabwa P., and Kyamanywa S. 2003. Development of a Management Strategy for bean root rot in south western Uganda. Uganda Journal of agricultural Sciences 8: 107 – 116.
  26. Ugen M.A., Namayanja A, Opio A., Tukamuhabwa P. and  Ssekabembe R.S. 2003. Participatory evaluation of improved technologies with farmers : the case of bean technologies. Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences 8: 123 -130
  27. Opio F., Kyamanywa S., Kayizzi K. and Katwijukye A. 2000. Current status and progress of research on the management of bean root rot complex in south western Uganda. Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences 5: 29 – 34
  28. Opio F., and Namayanja A., 2002.  Common bacterial blight of bean research in Uganda1986-2001. Bean Improvement Cooperative (Bic) 45: 162-163
  29. Opio F., Kimani P.M., Musana S.M., and Buruchara R., 2002.  Research on common bacterial blight of common bean in East and Central Africa.  Bean Improvement Cooperative (Bic) 45: 160-161.
  30. Osiru M. O., Rubayihayo P. R and Opio A. F., 2001.  Inheritance of resistance to tomato bacterial wilt and its implication for potato improvement in Uganda.  African Crop Science Journal 9 (1): 9-16.
  31. Osiru M.O., Rubayihayo P. R and Opio A. F., 1999.  Screening tomato accessions for resistance to bacterial wilt: MUARIK Bulletin 2: 65-70.
  32. Ssekyewa C., Opio A. F., Swinpume J. R., Van Damme P. L. J., Abubakar  A. M., 1999. Sustainable collar rot disease of passion fruits in Uganda.  International Journal of Pest Management, 45 (3) 173-177.
  33. Opio A. F. and Ugen M. Adrogu 1998.  Control of bean diseases and insect pests using farmer’s indigenous knowledge.  Annual report Bean improvement cooperative 41:188-189.
  34. Bua B., Adipala E. and Opio A. F., 1998.  Screening cowpea germplasm for resistance to bacterial blight in Uganda.  International Journal of Pest Management  44 (3) 185-189.
  35. Paul R. J. Birch, Lizbeth J. Hyman, Robert Taylor, A. Fina Opio, Calude Bragard and Ian K. Toth 1997.  RAPD PCR-based differentiation of Xanthomonas campestris pv. Phaseoli and phaseoli, var fuscans.  European Journal of Plant Pathology 103:809-814.
  36. Opio A. F., Allen D. J. and Teri J. M., 1996.  Pathogenic variation in Xanthomonas campestris pv. Phaseoli, the casual agent of common bacterial blight in Phaseolus beans.  Plant Pathology  45: 1126-1133.
  37. Opio A. F., 1995.  Yield loss associated with floury leaf spot in common beans in Uganda.  Annual Report of Bean Improvement Cooperative 38: 147-148.
  38. Opio A. F., Allen D. J. and Teri J. M., 1995.  The role of weeds and non-host crops in the survival of Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli in Uganda.  Annual Report of Bean Improvement Cooperative 38: 166-167.
  39.  Opio A. F., Allen D. J. and Teri J. M., 1994.  Evaluation of inoculation methods and inoculum concentration for Xanthomonsas campestris pv. Phaseoli. Annual Report of Bean Improvement cooperative 37: 223-224.
  40. Opio A. F., Teri J. M. and Allen D. J., 1994.  Seed transmission efficiency for Xanthomonas campestris pv. PhaseoliAnnual Report of Bean Improvement cooperative 37:221-222.
  41. Opio A. F., Teri, J. M, and Allen D. J., 1993.  Studies on seed transmission of Xanthomonas campestris pv. Phaseoli on common beans in Uganda, African Crop Science Journal 1: 59-67.
  42. Opio A. F., 1993.  Bean Pathology Research at Kawanda Research Institute, Uganda.  In Breakthrough, a Norleg Newsletter, Issue 8, September 1993.
  43. Opio A. F., Teri J. M., and Allen D. J., 1992.  Assessment of yield losses caused by common bacterial blight of beans in Uganda. Annual Report of Beans Improvement cooperative, 35, 52-53.
  44. Opio A. F., 1990. Control of common bacterial blight of beans in Uganda.  Annual Report of Bean Improvement cooperative 33: 41-42.

Papers presented at workshops (conferences) or in workshop proceedings

  1. Tinzara W. E., Karamura E., Kubiriba J., Byabacwenzi M., Tushemereirwe W., Opio F., 2010.  Integrated Approach for the Management of Banana Xanthomonas wilt in East and Central Africa. Proceedings of the African Crop Science Conference, Cape town, South Africa, 27 September to 2 October 2009, Vol; 9 pp691 – 696
  2. Nkalubo S., Melis R., Laing M. D., Opio F., 2007. Yield loss associated with anthracnose disease in Uganda market-class dry bean cultivars. African Crop Science Conference. Proc 8:869 – 874. El –Minia, Egypt
  3. Gichuru V., Ocimati W., Buruchara R., Okori P., Tusiime G., Opio F., and Ugen M.  The role of other crops in developing integrated pest management (IPM) of bean root rots.  A paper presented at PABRA (Pan African Bean Research Association) Meeting, 31st October, 2005 in Kampala, Uganda.
  4. Gichuru V., Ocimati W., Buruchara R., Okori P., Tusiime G., Opio F., and Ugen M.  The role of other crops in developing integrated pest management (IPM) of bean root rots.  A paper presented at the Bean IPM Promotion Project Review Meeting held on 9th February, 2006 at the Regency Hotel in Kampala.
  5. Gichuru V., Buruchara R., Okori P., Opio F., and Ugen M.  Identification and characterization of Pythium spp. of major crops in south western Uganda.  A paper presented at the American Phythopathological Joint Meeting held in Quebec City, Canada in July 29th – August 2nd, 2006.
  6. Gichuru V., Buruchara R., Okori P., Opio F., and Ugen M.  Pathogenicity of bean pathogenic Pythium spp on major crops in a bean-based cropping system.  A paper presented at the American Phythopathological Joint Meeting held in Quebec City, Canada on July 29th – August 2nd, 2006
  7. Opio F., Ugen M., Kabirizi J.  and  Nasirumbi L., 2006.  Women and Food and Nutrition Security in Uganda: The case of bean root rot disease in Bushenyi and Kisoro;  and  Forage management for zero grazing in Masaka. A paper presented to the CTA/FARAH/RUFORUM  Conference on Women in Science for Food and Nutrition Security in Africa, Entebbe, Uganda, 3-7 July, 2006
  8. Opio F., Ugen M., Namayanja A., Mugagga I., and Mawejje D. 2005.  Improving food security in South Western Uganda by transferring and promoting resistant varieties and integrated packages for the bean root rot.   A paper presented to the 2nd Rockefellor Conference on Biotechnology, Breeding and Seed Systems, Nairobi, Kenya 24-27th January, 2005. 15pp.
  9. Namayanja A., Ugen M. A., Opio F., Ssekabembe R., and Takusewanya R., 2005.  Multiplication and dissemination of bean seed in Uganda.  A case study of Kabale, Mubende and Sironko districts.  A paper presented to the 2nd Rockefellor Conference on Biotechnology, Breeding and Seed Systems, Nairobi, Kenya 24-27th January, 2005. 15pp.
  10. Nkalubo S., Melis R., Opio F., WA.J.de Muthiano., and Laing M., 2005.  Physiological races of dry bean anthracnose disease in Uganda.  A paper presented to the 2nd Rockefellor conference on Biotechnology, breeding and Seed Systems, Nairobi, Kenya 24-27th January, 2005. 15pp.
  11. Regina Kapinga, Pamela Anderson, Dapeng Zhang, Michael Herman and Fina Opio 2005.  Vitamin- A partnership for Africa for Africa (VITAA): A food base approach to combat Vitamin A deficiency through increased utilization of orange-fleshed sweetpotato.  VITAA WINNER OF THE 2003 CGIAR PARTNERSHIP AWARP.  Paper presented to the meeting of International Vitamin A Consultative Group (IVACG), Lima, Peru 5pp.
  12. Bigirwa G., Lamo J., Kikafunda J. T., Kalule T., Tsuboi T. and Opio F. 2004. Technology generation and rice promotion : A case of Uganda.  A paper presented at the International year of rice celebrations, November 18, 2004, UMA Ground, Kampala, Uganda 9pp.
  13. Mwanga R.O.M., Niringiye C., Odongo B., Opio, A. F., Lemaga B., Kyadondo B., Serunjogi L., Owori C., and Kapinga R. 2003.  Partnership: an approach to promote orange fleshed sweetpotato, experiences from Uganda.  In 13th symposium of ISTRC.  Tropical root and tuber crops opportunities for poverty alleviation and sustainable livelihoods in the developing world.  Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH, ISTRC, 10-14 November 2003, Arusha, Tanzania 31pp.
  14. Ugen M. A., Namayanja A., Opio F., Tukamuhabwa P., Ssekabembe R.S., 2003.  Participatory evaluation of improved technologies with farmers.  The case of bean technologies.  Proceedings of the 3rd National Agricultural Research Organization Scientific Conference, Kampala International Conference Centre, 4th – 7th December 2001., Kampala, Uganda.  Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 8(10): 123-130.
  15. Namayanja A., Ugen M. A., Opio F., Babirye A., Nasirumbi L., Kitinda X., Takusewanya R., Eyedu H., Mukabalanga J., Ssekabembe R., Kabayi P., and Sulume J., 2003.  Current bean research at the Biofortification Challenge Programme:  A bean planning workshop held 1-3 October 2003, Naivasha, Kenya.
  16. Opio F., Buruchara R., Takan J. P., Bamuru I., Mudingoto J., Kasenge R., Henrick J., Marthur S. B. and Adipala E. (2003).  An overview of the CEP partnership project between DGISP/Danida and the Government of Uganda.  Paper presented to the “Good Seed Initiative” Workshop, Morogoro, Tanzania 4-7 June 2003.
  17. Opio F. (2002).  Challenges of and Prospects for Gender Mainstreaming in Agriculture with special reference to Uganda.  A paper presented to the 8th International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women, Makerere, Kampala Uganda 13pp.
  18. Opio F., Mugagga I., and Mawejje D., 2002.  Progress report on bean anthracnose research in Uganda.  A paper presented to Bean Breeders/Pathology working group meeting, Nazreth, Ethiopia, 10pp.
  19. Opio F., Ugen M., Buruchara R., Kayizzi, Kyamanywa S., Mugagga I., Takusewanya R. and Mawejje D. (2002).  Farmers Participatory Development of strategies for integrated management of bean diseases in Uganda.  Paper presented to the workshop on Integrated Pest Management, Kampala, Uganda. 21pp.
  20. Opio A. F., Kayizzi K., Tukamuhabwa P., Kyamanywa S., Buruchara R., Mugagga I., and Takusewanya R., (2001).  Development of a management strategy for bean root rot in Southwestern Uganda.  A paper presented to the NARO Scientific Conference, Kampala, Uganda 18pp.
  21. Opio F. A., Bua A., Ugen M., Ebong C., Bigirwa G., Mwanga R., Odongo B., Mubiru S., and Semakula G. (2001). Client Orientation of Agricultural Research in Uganda.  The Namulonge Experience.  Proceedings of the 3rd National Agricultural Research Organization Scientific Conference, Kampala International Conference Centre, 4th – 7th December 2001, Kampala Uganda.  Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 8 (10) 17-28
  22. Opio A. F., Kayizzi K., Mugagga I., and Takusewanya R., (2001).  Research on the management of root rot in South Western Uganda 1995-2001.  Paper presented to the Bean millenium workshop, Arusha, May 2001.
  23. Opio A. F., 1998.  Management of bean root rot in Uganda.  Paper presented to the 7th International congress of plant pathology, Edinburgh, Scotland 9-16 August, 1998.
  24. Opio  A. F., Kyamanywa and Kayizzi 1998.   Management of Root rots in South Western Uganda.  A progress Report.  Paper presented to the 3rd Pan African pathology working group meeting, Thika, Kenya 24-29/5/98.
  25. Opio, A. F., Kyamanywa, Kayizzi and Katwijukye A., 1998.  Current status and progress of research on the management of bean root rots complex in South Western Uganda.  Paper presented to the NARO Centenary Conference, October 1998.
  26. Opio A. F., Sengooba T., Kayiwa B. S., Mutetikka M., Niringiye C. and Kikoba E., 1998.  Bean research in Uganda.  Achievements, impact and challenges for the future.  Paper presented to the Uganda National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO) Centenary Conference, October 1998.
  27. Kyamanywa S., Wilson Halord, Opio A. F. and Mark Erbaugh, 1998.  The effect of seed dressing and earthing up on beanfly (Ophiomyia sp) and other pests of beans.  In proceedings of third IPM-CRSP symposium 15-18 May 1998, Virginia Tech. Blacksburg USA.
  28. Tusiime G., Adipala E., Opio A. F. and Bhagsari A. S., 1998.  Towards developing an integrated control package for potato bacterial wilt in lowland Uganda.  African crop science conference proceedings Vol 3:989-994
  29. Bua A., Opio A. F. and Adipala E., 1997.  Seedborne infection of cowpea seeds by Xanthomonas campestris pv. Vignicola in Uganda.  African crop science proceedings Vol 3:1105-1110.
  30. Opio A. F., Beatrice M. K., Mutetikka M., Sengooba T. and Tukamuhabwa P., 1995.   Technology transfer.  Experience of the beans programme in Uganda 1985-1995.  Paper presented to the technology transfer workshop, Kampala December, 1995.
  31. Bua A. B., Opio A. F., and Adipala E., 1995.  Evaluation of inoculation techniques for screening cowpea for resistance to bacterial blight.  Paper presented to the 2nd African Crop Science conference held in Malawi, 19-24 February, 1996.
  32. Tusiime G., Opio A. F., Adipala E. and Baghsari A. S. 1995.  Screening Solanum potato genotypes for resistance to Pseudomonas solanacearum in Uganda.  A preliminary study.  Paper presented to the 2nd African Crop Science Conference held in Malawi, 19-24 February, 1995.
  33. Opio A. F. 1995.  Progress on studies on floury leaf spot.  Paper presented to the 2nd Pan African workshop on fungal disease of beans.  Kakamega, Kenya, June 1995.
  34. Fina Opio and S. Male-Kayiwa, (1994).  The status of bean breeding in Uganda.  In Proceedings of a Regional workshop on Breeding for disease resistance with emphasis to durability in Eastern and Southern Africa (edited Danial L. Daniel) Njoro, Kenya, October 2-6 1994: 110-113.
  35. Opio A. F., 1994.  Studies on Common Bacterial Blight of beans in Uganda.  In Proceedings of the 1st workshop on viral and bacterial diseases of beans (edited by Bary Simthson) Kampala, Uganda 13-17 June 1994.
  36. Opio A. F., Teri J. N and Allen D. J., 1993.  Survival of Xanthomonas campestris pv. Phaseoli in Uganda.  In Africa crop science conference proceedings, vol 1, pp 255-259.
  37. Nahdy S. M., Odong M. and Opio A. F., 1993.  The role of women in post-harvest systems and food security in Uganda.  Paper presented to the 1st crop science conference for Eastern and Southern Africa, held in Kampala, Uganda, 14-18 June 1993, 18pp.
  38. Opio A. F. and Musaana S.M., 1993.  Collaborative research project on common bacterial blight (Xanthomonas campestris pv. Phaseoli smith (Dye) of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris).  Paper presented to the 3rd East African Multi disciplinary Workshop held in Thika, Kenya, April 1992, 10pp.
  39. Opio A. F., and Sengooba T., 1991.  Progress in Bean pathology research in Uganda.  In Proceedings of a Workshop on National Research Planning for Bean Production in Uganda (Edited by Grisley W), Kampala, Uganda, January 28-February 1,1991.
  40. Opio A. F., Teri J. M. and Allen D. J. (1991).   Assessment of Yield Losses caused by Common bacterial blight of beans in Uganda.  In proceedings of the 10th SUA/CRSP bean Research workshop, Morogoro, Tanzania September 15th-18th1th 1991; 105-112pp.
  41. Musana M.S., and Opio A. F., 1991.  Optimum bean production in Uganda with reference to soil, climatological requirements and most suitable varieties for market needs. Paper presented during the Seminar on Export of field beans. EPADU.  Kampala, Uganda, 7pp.
  42. Opio A. F., Musaana M. S., 1991.  The National Bean Program operations as influenced by the Agricultural policy 7pp.  Paper presented to the National Workshop to give the views on the National Science and Technology Policy, UNESCO, Kampala, Uganda, 7pp.
  43. Opio A. F., Musana S. M., Teri J. M. and Allen D. A., (1990).  Research activities on common Bacterial Blight on Beans in eastern Africa.  In proceedings of the 9th SUA/CRSP Research Workshop and 2nd SADCC/CIAT regional Bean Research workshop (Edited by Smithson B) Morogoro, Tanzania 17-20 September 1990, 259-270.
  44. Musaana S. M. and Opio A. F. (1990):  Regional Collaborative Research Project on Common Bacterial Blight (Xanthomonas campestris pv. Phaseoli) (Smith Dye) of common bean phaseolus vulgrisIn proceedings of the 2nd East African Bean Workshop (Edited by Smithson B) Nairobi, Kenya, 24-34.
  45. Opio A. F. and Busolo-Bulafu (1990): Status of Bacterial wilt on groundnuts in Uganda.  Paper presented to the ACIAR/ICRISAT collaborative research planning committee, Kuala, Lampur, Malaysia, 2pp.
  46. Musaana M. S., Opio F. and I. Kibirige-Sebunya, 1990.  Application of interorganism genetics to mutation breeding for disease resistance; The role of a breeder, a pathologist and a  physiologist.  Paper presented to the 1st National Conference on Food and Agriculture, Kampala, Uganda, 9pp.
  47. Opio A. F. (1988).  Host range and Biotypes of Pseudomonas solanacearum E.F. Smith in Uganda.  A preliminary study.  In: Proceedings of 5th International Congress of Plant Pathology, Kyoto, Japan 1988, 83-95.
  48. Opio A. F. (1987).  Distribution, prevalence and Economic importance of bacterial blight of beans. 18pp.  Proceeding of the 1st African Bean Pathology Workshop,  Kigali, Rwanda, November, 1987. 31-33.
  49. Opio A. F. (1987).  Beans Phaseolus vulgaris L. as symptomless carrier of Pseudomonas solanacearum E.F. Smith 10p.  In proceedings of the 1st Eastern African Bean Workshop (Edited by Kirkby) Mukono, Uganda, 127-133.
  50. Opio A. F. (1986) Studies on Pseudomonas solanacearum E.F. Smith a soil borne pathogen in Uganda.  In Proceedings of the 1st East African Soil Science Workshop (Edited by  Magunda, M.K. and Fenster W.E) Kampala, December 1986, 220-233.
  51. Opio A. F. and Singh J.P (1979).  Epidemiology and control of cowpea rust (Uromyces phaseoli var vignae) in Kenya.  Proceeding of the grain legume improvement workshop in E.A, Kenya, University of Nairobi, 1979, 67-73.

Book Chapters
Opio F., Ugen M. A., David S. and Mugisha –Mutetikka M., 1995. Beans. In Agriculture in Uganda; CROPS. Ed Joseph K. Mukiibi. Fountain Publishers / CTA/NARO (2): 162 – 191.

Leadership and Management courses attended

  1. Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, Havard University J. F. School of Governance (November 2005).
  2. Women’s Leadership and Management Development course by Training Resource Centre 2005, ILRI, Addis Ababa.
  3. Management and leadership Skills, Grand Palm, Botswana, October 2002. (Marcus Evans).
  4. The leadership for change workshop, Kampala, Uganda July 1994, Winrock International.
  5. NARO Leadership and Institutional Strengthening Training workshop.
  6. How to write convincing proposals:  Isnar, the Haig Netherlands; 2004.