Prof. Elly N Sabiiti

Chairperson CoASW
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Prof. Elly N. Sabiiti - Chairperson CoASW
Prof. Elly N. Sabiiti – Chairperson CoASW
B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. (F. TWAS , F UNAS ), FAAS*, TWAS Research Professor, Fulbright Scholar

Born on 12th November 1951, Prof. Elly N Sabiiti is a Professor of Crop Sciences and the current Chairperson Committee of Appointments and Staff Welfare (CoASW) of Bishop Stuart University.

Academic Qualifications

  1. The Ohio State University, Ohio, US – Fulbright Visiting Scholar Nov 2015 – Feb 2016 (Fulbright Scholar status)
  2. International Livestock Centre (ILCA) Ibadan, Nigeria 1989-1991 Post-doctoral Research Fellow.
  3. University of New Brunswick Canada  1983 – 1985 Ph.D.
  4. Makerere University  1973-1976 B.Sc. Agric. 2.1
  5. Makerere University  1976 – 1979 M.Sc. Agric.
  6. Ntare School  1971-1972 EAACE
  7. Mbarara High School  1967-1970 EACE
  8. Appointed Lecturer, Department of Crop Science, Makerere University
  9. Research Officer/Senior Research Officer, Uganda Institute of Ecology 1979 – 1985.
  10. Special Assistant, Department of Crop Science, Makerere University 1976 – 1979 Download my CV here

(i) Expertise

  1. Human Resources Management and leadership skills and Institutional building
  2. Natural resources and management-wildlife/livestock
  3. Grassland Sciences/Pasture Agronomy Range sciences for livestock production
  4. Pastoral/Agropastoral Community development and action research
  5. Biodiversity and sustainable development
  6. Integrated Urban Waste Management for food production systems for a health environment
  7. Research Management skills in science and technology and educational advisory services
  8. Consultancies in the agricultural sector-policy formulation and institutional development
  9. Seed Science & Technology
  10. Crop/livestock integration for poverty reduction and food security
  11. Peri-Urban Agriculture and food security
  12. Promoting science education programmes focusing on Inquiry-based science education

(ii) Professional Activities

Professor Sabiiti has got over 36 years of working experience in agricultural/environmental research, University teaching, graduate supervision and outreach including administrative experiences at national, regional and international levels. He has mentored 32 graduate students at Masters and Ph.D. levels,7 being Ph.D. graduates. He has on record over 150 science and technology publications that have been of value to the Government and many public /private and communities. Of the 35 years spent, 31 years have been spent with Universities in Uganda & abroad. He has leadership skills in the University as Head of the Crop Science Department from 1993 – 1994 and as Dean, of the Faculty of Agriculture from 1994 – 2003 and outside the University by formulating policies on various boards/committees for agricultural, environmental and educational development. Prof Sabiiti also chaired Senate Science Committee for three years; a committee for considering all science-based academic programmes that also considered the environmental programmes of Makerere University Institute of Environment and Natural Resources (which builds graduate human capacity and some of these graduates are employed by NEMA)of the University and has served in Senate for over 20 years.

Prof Sabiiti has had a long history of professional association with NEMA since the initial stages of its establishment where he served on various sub-committees in the late 1980s/early 1990s and continued the association even after the establishment of NEMA where he has contributed greatly to policy formulation. He was invited as a key discussant for the NEMA State of Environment Report and now he is a member of the National Sustainable Development Think Tank (NSDTT) as an Eminent Ugandan Scientist to handle- Agriculture and sustainable land management since  2011. He has coordinated successfully an eight-year Community-based action research for improving the livelihoods of pastoral communities in Kazo, now Kiruhura District and ensuring sustainable food security and the environment. He has also been the coordinator of a project of creating wealth from urban garbage since 2000 to date funded by Sida/SAREC Sweden to improve urban agriculture through recycling nutrients trapped in the garbage and this improves the quality of the environment.

Professor Sabiiti has also been involved in consultancies with national and international agencies. The celebrated consultancy for him involved a report titled Realizing the Promise & Potential of African Agriculture: Science & Technology Strategies for Improving Agricultural productivity and food security in Africa by Inter Academy Council – June 2004. The secretary general of the UN commissioned this study & Professor Sabiiti was one of the 18 International experts on the Inter Academy panel that conducted the study in Africa.

Professor Sabiiti has been associated with the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries for over 30 years starting with the time he was an undergraduate student in 1973 to date. He has served on several committees/boards of Institutions created by the Ministry such as NARO, NAADS, and Research Institutions and on projects like Agricultural Research and Training Project (ARTP) and the Unified Agricultural Extension project.

He was a pioneer steering committee member for the formulation of the Plan for modernizing Agriculture (PMA) and a pioneer Director on the NAADS Board from 2002 to 2008 in addition, sits on many International Boards/Committees such as dealing with agricultural policies and Higher Education policies and their implementation. Through the NAADS board, a number of policies were formulated to enable farmers to access agricultural advisory services to enable them to eradicate poverty and significant impacts were achieved through the period in a number of Districts in Uganda. All his 35 years of uninterrupted research have focused on increasing food security and poverty reduction for the peoples of Uganda and indeed Africa through appropriate science and technology developments.

He has been involved in holding several radio talk shows /discussions on agricultural issues and technology for development. He is the Vice President of the Uganda National Academy of Sciences recently chartered by the President of the Republic of Uganda. He spearheaded the formation of the Association of Uganda Professional Agriculturalists (ASUPA) brought together all agricultural graduates in the Country to debate issues of agricultural development and he is its founder President. Prof Sabiiti practices professional farming and believes that agriculture is a science and a business and when properly managed pays and was profiled in New Vision of 5th March 2009.

He was recently 2008 elected Vice President of the International Rangelands Congress Continuing Committee during the joint International Grassland Congress and International Rangeland Congress in China. This grouping advocates for proper utilization and management of rangelands in the World for sustainable livestock production to create wealth in the communities.

The professor is highly innovative and has taught and initiated several new undergraduate and postgraduates courses in Pasture Agronomy, Principles of Agronomy, Economic Botany and Crop Physiology, Principles of Ecology, Forest Fire Protection, Range resources management, Seed Science and Technology and Graduate courses in Advanced Grassland Ecology, Advanced Grassland Agronomy and Utilization, Eco-physiology, Seed Science and Technology, Utilisation and conservation of plant genetic resources and Biodiversity Conservation and development.

A FELLOW of the Salzburg Seminar 1999-2003 for effectively participating in the EARTH University Project- with EARTH University Project on Sustainability, Education and Management of Change in the Tropics conducted at Salzburg, EARTH, Costa Rica, Jinja, Uganda, Thailand, Norway.

He has served on several committees of experts in establishing new Universities in Uganda e.g. Gulu, Busoga, and Kabale Universities and in vetting Universities for licenses by the Ministry of Education and Sports and the National Council of Science for Higher Education (NCHE).

He is a pioneer Chairman of Council for Bishop Stuart University where he steered the Council to start a private University in 2003 that is now recognized by the Government. He was appointed to the National task force by the Minister of Education and sports to formulate the National agricultural education strategy that would streamline agricultural education in Uganda and has also been active in promoting science education in Schools. Recently he was appointed a management consultant to operationalise the establishment of the International University of East Africa based in Uganda which he did successfully.

In addition, Professor Sabiiti is a Fellow of TWAS, AAS and UNAS and Vice President of Uganda National Academy of Sciences (UNAS) a body of eminent Scientists in Uganda who promote science and technology for prosperity for all Ugandans. He was a member of the Advisory Committee on Agricultural Sciences of TWAS and its Chairperson as well as a Member of the Advisory Committee on Science and Technology of the Third World National Sciences Organisations (TWNSO).

  1. E N Sabiiti, World Bank National Consultant appointed by World Bank to lead a consultancy service on Assessing Agricultural training Institutions that were returned to MAAIF by the Ministry of Education and sports for incorporation in DSIP from Aug to October 2012.
  2. E N Sabiiti, Team Leader/Consultant, D. Pasipanodya, International Consultant and A. Kebba, Local consultant Consultancy for the Review of the MAAIF Institutional Linkages with Its’ Sector Agencies, Local Governments (LG) and Other Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs). DANIDA/MAAIF, Jan 2011
  3. E N Sabiiti, Team Leader/Consultant; Dr. D Pasipanodya Intern consult; and Allen Kebba Local consult. 2010. Review of the MAAIF Restructuring and reform Process and Proposals for inclusion in the forthcoming Development and Strategy and Investment Plan GoU 2010. Commissioned by MAAIF.
  4. I have been invited three times by His Excellency, President of the Republic of Uganda Y. K. Museveni to give him technical advice on Acacia bush management on his farms/ranches at Rwakitura and Kisozi. During one of the visits, I gave a lecture to over 400 pastoralists he had invited to his home on the same topic.
  5. Sabiiti, E N and C Musisi 2006. A report on the establishment of Model Villages in Uganda. Funded by Makerere University. The recommendations led to the establishment of two model villages in Rakai and Arua.
  6. Realizing the Promise & Potential of African Agriculture: Science & Technology Strategies for Improving Agricultural productivity and food security in Africa by Inter Academy Council – June 2004. The Secretary General of the UN commissioned this study & Professor Sabiiti was one of the 18 international experts on the Inter Academy panel that conducted the study.
  7. Sabiiti, E.N. 2004-2006. Technical assistance to formulate a Rangelands Use Policy; Pastoral Code and feasibility study for Rangeland Development and Management Centre. Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries, Entebbe.
  8. Karanja, G.M, and Sabiiti, E.N. (Eds.). 1999. Consultants: Report on Integrated peri-urban dairy production with emphasis on the utilization of forage fodder legumes in East Africa, Embu, Kenya 1999.
  9. Sabiiti, E. N. 1992. 2nd Regional working group workshop on grazing and feed resources for East Africa held at Makerere University, 30th March – 3 April 1992, Consultant/ Regional Coordinator of the working group.
  10. E.N. Sabiiti, F.B. Bareeba and S.N. Mwebaze 1993. Pasture and Feeding Systems for Sustaining Livestock production and the Environment. Proceedings of the 2nd Uganda Pasture Network workshop held at Makerere University, 14-16 December 1992.  Uganda Pasture Network (UPANE) 1993.
  11. Aluma, J.R.W., Kitungulu-Zake, J.Y., Opio-Odongo, J., Odongo, J., Byenkya, G.S., Djimde, M., Hoekstra, D., Oduol, P. and E.N. Sabiiti 1988.  Agroforestry potentials for the land-use systems in the bimodal highlands of Eastern Africa, Uganda. ICRAF Consultancy Project.

(i) National

Professor Sabiiti has been recognized by many local and International Institutions because of his outstanding contributions to science and technology, his leadership skills and community service.

  1. Awarded by HE the President of the Republic of Uganda the Independence golden jubilee Medal for his excellence in academics and teaching and for being loyal to his Country on 26th January 2017 during celebrations of heroes day in Masindi.
  2. Winner of the Presidential Excellence award for science, technology Education Excellence Award 2008 for outstanding contribution in the understanding of ecological dynamics of rangeland /grasslands and institutional development
  3. Winner of the Makerere University Vice Chancellor’s Innovations and Academic Excellence Award 2007/2008 for transforming the living conditions of Pastoral communities in Kazo rangelands
  4. Received a Certificate of Recognition from Bishop Stuart University, Mbarara for his outstanding and dedicated services to the University as its pioneer chairperson of Council 2009
  5. Received recognition award, “End of Valued Service Award” from Faculty of Agriculture, 2004 for his exemplary performance as Dean from 1994-2003.
  6. Received recognition (FELLOW) of the Uganda National Academy of Sciences (UNAS) for exemplary contribution to science and technology, 2004.
  7. Received a Certificate of Excellence from the Department of Crop Science in recognition of my leadership as head of Crop Science Department. 2003.
  8. Received recognition award by (Innovations at Makerere Committee) for excellent work as a Founder Member, 2002.
  9. Received Certificate of MERIT from Makerere University Innovations at Makerere Committee in recognition of my contribution to Makerere University Capacity Building Programme for Decentralization.
  10. Received a recognition award from the Soil Science Society of East Africa for being a professional farmer and a strong supporter of the conservation of soils in 2002.
  11. Received Recognition Award from the Faculty of Agriculture, Makerere University for having contributed significantly to the establishment of the Continuing Agricultural Education Centre (CAEC) in 2001.
  12. Received recognition award-Mbarara High School OB, Mugume Namaani from Mbarara High School for being a distinguished Old Boy, 2000.
  13. Received Recognition Award-The Order of the Lion from Ntare School for the Distinguished Service to the School and Society in 2000.
  14. Was awarded a CERTIFICATE OF MERIT by the Board of the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry on 15.12.98 in recognition of my excellent academic career and outstanding leadership as Dean in the Faculty. The certificate was signed by the Academic Registrar and Vice-Chancellor of Makerere University.
  15. Was awarded a golden plaque by the Faculty of Agriculture – Makerere University, in recognition of his outstanding leadership as Dean from 1994 – 2003.
  16. The Soil Science Society of East Africa recognized Prof Sabiiti together with his wife for outstanding professional practicing in Agriculture and promoting soil Science and management

ii) Regional Recognition

  1. Elected Fellow in 2007 of the African Academy of Sciences (AAS) based in Nairobi Kenya for his outstanding scientific contribution to agronomy and Ecology.
  2. Received recognition award for Distinguished Service as Chairman of the National Steering Committee and National Coordinator of the Dryland Husbandry Project, Uganda from 1995-2003 from the Organization for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA), July 2004.

iii) International Awards

  1. Elected a FELLOW by Governing council of the Academy into The Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) 2001.
  2. Received recognition award for extraordinary service to the Inter Academy Council as a Member of the Panel on Science and Technology Strategies for Improving Agricultural Productivity and Food Security in Africa from the Board of Inter Academy Council, The Netherlands, and 27th August 2004.
  3. Won the prestigious Fulbright Fellowship for Senior African Scholars in 1994 offered by the USA.
  4. FELLOW of the Salzburg Seminar 1999-2003 for effectively participating in the EARTH University Project-with EARTH University Project on Sustainability, Education and Management of Change in the Tropics.
  5. Fellow of the Salzburg Seminar beyond the University: Shifting Demographics in Higher Education -2006.
  6. Appointed a TWAS Research Professor in Dec 2006 for five years by the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS) Secretariat based in Trieste, Italy and has been hosted by the National University of Rwanda in order to strengthen human capacity for the University and develop strong partnerships in research and training. This is a prestigious International appointment in recognition of his excellence in research, training and outreach and he was the first Academician from Makerere University to get this appointment. He spent one month at the National University of Rwanda from April to May 2007. The appointment has been extended to 2013.

Number of Books Published

  1. Sabiiti, E.N. and S. Katuromunda. 2010. Agriculture for Schools and Colleges: Principles and practices (Vol.1-3). Fountain Publishers.
  2. Realizing the Promise & Potential of African Agriculture: Science & Technology Strategies for Improving Agricultural productivity and food security in Africa by Inter Academy Council – June 2004. ISBN 90-6984-418-4. PP266. IAC.  The Netherlands.
  3. Sabiiti, E.N. and T. Teka (eds). 2004. Dryland husbandry in Uganda: Community participation and Development. DHP Publications –OSSREA, Addis Ababa. .
  4. Indigenous Knowledge in Ethno veterinary Medicine in South West Uganda.Eds. E.Katunguuka – Rwakishaya, S.K.Nalule and E.N.Sabiiti. DHP Publications. No.9. OSSREA, Addis Ababa. March 2004. ISSN 1608-8891.

Chapters in books

  1. Sabiiti,E N ,S K Mugasi  and S Katuromunda. 2008. Forage production and management in Dryland Areas of Uganda.  In Crop and forage Production Using saline Waters. Eds. M Kafi and M Ajmal Khan. Day Publishing House. Delhi. Centre for Science and Technology of the Non Alligned and other Developing Countries( NAM and T Centre. Pp265-273.
  2. Sabiiti, E.N. 2001. Pastures and Range Management. In Agriculture in Uganda: Livestock and    Fisheries. J. Mukiibi (Ed).  Vol.  IV. pp 237-297. Fountain Publishers/CTA/NARO
  3. Sabiiti, E.N., R.W. Wein & E.L. Edroma 1991. Fire and browsing effects on the biology of the African Acacia species. A review. In: F.B. Kayanja & E.L. Edroma (Eds). African wildlife: Research and Management. Intern. Council for Scientific Unions, pp 28-29. 4.Sabiiti, E.N. 1984. Evaluation of Indigofera hijsuta in association with Chloris gayana Kunth under grazing in Uganda.  In: J. C. Tothill and J.J. Mott (Eds). The ecology and management of the world’s savannas, pp.288-290. Aust. Acad. of).

Number of Articles published in refereed Journals

  1. N. Sabiiti and C. B. Katongole 2014. Urban Agriculture: A Response to the Food Supply          Crisis in  Kampala City, Uganda ;pp 233-237 in The Security of Water, Food, Energy and Liveability of Cities.    Challenges and opportunities for Periurban Futures. Eds B Maheshwari et al.  Springer Publishers.
  2. Kato,H ,F B Bareeba and E N Sabiiti Productivity of soil fertilized with faecal manure of cattle fed Calliandra,Gliricidia and Luecaena browse/maize silage. Afric J of Agr Research Vol 8(7):634-638.
  3. Katuromunda,S; Sabiiti,E.N. and M A Bekunda. 2011. Effect of application of cattle manure and mineral fertilizers on the growth characteristics and quality of Pennisetum purpureum fodder. Livestock research for Rural Development: 23(12):1-9.
  4. Sabiiti, E.N. 2011.Utilising Agricultural Waste to Enhance Food Security and  Conservation of the Environment. Africa J of Food , Agriculture and Development .11(6):1-9.  Katongole, C.B., Sabiiti, E.N., Bareeba, F.B. and Ledin, I. 2010. Performance of growing indigenous goats fed diets based on urban market crop wastes. Trop Anim Health and Prod 41:329-336
  5. Katongole, C.B and E.N. Sabiiti. 2008. Alternative feed base with stallfeeding : the key to reducing grazing /browsing presuure from natural grasslands in Uganda. Grassroots. Newsletter of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa.Vol 8(1) ISSN 101166122
  6. Katongole, C, B., Bareeba, F.B, Sabiiti,E. N and I. Ledin.2008. Nutritional Characterization of some Tropical Urban Market Crop Wastes. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 142(3):275-291.
  7. Kato,H. Bareeba,F.B.,Ebong,C  and E N Sabiiti. Ensiling characteristics and   milk producing capacity of browse/maize forage mixtures. Livestock Research for Rural Development. 18(6):1-7. Okello, S., and Sabiiti E. N. (2006).  Productivity of Indigenous Cattle on Uganda Rangelands: Constraints and Opportunities.  Makerere University Research Journal, Inaugural issue: 1:71-92.
  8. Okello, S., Sabiiti, E. N., and Schwartz, H. J., (2005).  Factors affecting the in situ digestibility of dietary samples by Ankole cattle grazed on natural range pastures in Uganda.  African Journal of Range and Forage Science, 22(3):157-165
  9. Okello, S., Sabiiti, E. N., and Schwartz, H. J., (2005).  Analysis of factors affecting milk yield of Ankole cows grazed on natural range pastures in Uganda.  African Journal of Range and Forage Science, 22(3):149-156
  10. Sabiiti, E.N., D. Mpairwe, M.S. Rwakaikara and S. Mugasi 2004. Restoration of degraded natural grasslands to enhance soil fertility, pasture and animal productivity. Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences 9: (1) 466-469.
  11. Sabiiti, E.N., Bareeba, F., Sporndly, E., Tenywa, J.S., Ledin, S., Ottabong, E., Kyamanywa, S., Ekbom, B., Mugisha, J. and Drake, L. 2004. Urban market garbage: A hidden resource for sustainable urban/peri-urban agriculture and the environment in Uganda.  The Uganda Journal: 50, 102-109.
  12. Sabiiti, E.N., D. Mpairwe and S. Mugasi, 2003. Rehabilitation of rangelands using forage/fodder legumes. African journal of range and forage Science 20: (2) 170.
  13. Mpairwe, D., E.N. Sabiiti, N.N. Ummuna, A. Tegegne and P. Osuji 2003. Integration of forage legumes with cereal crops: II. Effect of supplementation with lablab hay and incremental levels of wheat bran on voluntary food intake, digestibility, milk yield and milk composition of crossbred cows fed maize – lablab stover or oats – vetch hay ad libitum, 2002. Livestock Production Science 79: 213-226.
  14. Mpairwe, D., E.N. Sabiiti, Ummuna, N.N., Tegegne, A. and Osuji, P. 2003. Integration of forage legumes with cereal crops: 1. Effects of supplementation with graded levels of lablab hay on voluntary food intake, digestibility, milk yield and milk composition of crossbred cows fed maize – lablab stover or oats – vetch hay ad libitum. Livestock Production Science, 79: 193-212.
  15. Mpairwe, D., E.N. Sabiiti, N.N. Ummuna, A. Tegegne, and P. Osuji, 2002. Effect of intercropping cereal crops with forage legumes and source of nutrients on cereal grain yield and fodder dry matter yields. Agric. Crop. Sci. J. 10: (1) 81-97.
  16. Beyunga, J.K., F.B Bareeba and E.N. Sabiiti, 2001. Nutritional evaluation of Elephant grass hybrids. MUARIK Bulletin. 4: 71-76.

Papers in edited proceedings, of conferences/workshops/seminars

  1. Sabiiti, F. Bareeba, E. Sporndly, J.S. Tenywa, S. Ledin, E. Ottabong S. Kyamanywa, B. Ekbom, J. Mugisha, and L.  Drake.  2008. Approaches in urban market garbage management and utilisation in Uganda. Proceedings of the Intern Conference on Waste-the Social Context held in Edmonton, Canada 11-15 May 2008.
  2. Bwengye, B. G., Sabiiti, E.N, Grimaud, P. 2008. Effect of Management on the Productivity of Chloris gayana in the Rangelands of Uganda. Paper presented at the XXI International Grassland Congress and VIII Intern Rangeland Congress,29-June -5th July 2008,Hohhot,Inner Mongolia, China.
  3. Katuromunda,S., E.N. Sabiiti and F.B. Bareeba. 2008. Integrating forage legumes in crop/livestock systems for sustainable food production in peri-urban agriculture in Uganda. Paper presented at the XXI International Grassland Congress and VIII Intern Rangeland Congress,29-June -5th July 2008,Hohhot,Inner Mongolia, China.
  4. Katongole,C.,Sabiiti,E .N , Bareeb,F B and I Ledin.  2007. Nutritive value of common urban market crop wastes for goat production in periurban agriculture in Uganda. Paper accepted for presentation in the 42 Joint Annual Congress of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa, 16-20July 2007, Rhodes University,SA.
  5. Hyuha, T. S., Sabiiti, E.N. and E.  Hisal. 2005. Impact of rice production on food security and women in Uganda. .In African Crop Science Conf. Proceed., Kampala, 5-9dec 2005. Eds. J S Tenywa, Adipala, E, Nampala, P, Tusiime, G, Okori, P and W Kyamuhangire.  Vol 7(2):833-839. ISSN 1023-070X.
  6. Realizing the promise and potential of African agriculture: Science and technology strategies for improving agricultural productivity and food security in Africa. Inter-academy Council. 2004. ISBN 90-6984-418-4. Study report commissioned by the UN Secretary General. Elly N Sabiiti and other 18 international Scientists were appointed on the study Panel that did the research and produced the report. Pp266.
  7. Katongole, C.B. E.N. Sabiiti, F.B. Bareeba and I. Ledin. 2006.   Developing feeds for Meat Goats in Crop/Livestock Grassland Production Systems in Uganda. Paper presented in the 41st Annual Congress of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa Congress, 17-21July 2006, ATKV Klein Kariba, and Limpopo, South Africa.
  8. Wein W., E N Sabiiti, P A Thomas, R M Roth and P Jerome Martin. 2005. Maximizing conservation in agricultural landscapes. In African Crop Science Conf. Proceed., Kampala, 5-9dec 2005. Eds. J S Tenywa, Adipala, E, Nampala, P, Tusiime, G, Okori, P and W Kyamuhangire.  Vol 7(2):515-525. ISSN 1023-070X.
  9. Nambi-Kasozi, J., Sabiiti, E.N. and Bareeba, F. B. 2004. Effect of feeding varying levels of banana peelings supplemented with maize bran, cotton seed cake and Gliricidia sepium on the performance of lactating dairy cows. Paper presented at the Regional Symposium on Livestock Revolution Challenges and Opportunities 15th-18th March 2004, Nairobi Kenya.
  10. Nambi-Kasozi, J., Sabiiti, E. N. Bareeba, F. B. and Sporndly, E.  2004. Urban market crop wastes: Valuable animal feed resources in the crop/livestock production systems in Uganda. Paper presented at the 2nd Joint Congress of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa and the South African Society of Animal Science: The paradigm of efficiency and sustainability. 28th June-1st July 2004, Goudin Spa, South Africa.
  11. Nambi-Kasozi, J, E. N. Sabiiti, F. B. Bareeba and E. Sporndly.  2004. Nutritional evaluation of banana peelings from the various banana varieties in the different regions of Uganda. Paper presented in the XXth International Grassland Congress 2005, June –July 2005, Dublin, Ireland.
  12. Kato, H., Bareeba, F.B. and Ebong, C. 2004. The effect of fermentation on rumen degradation and microbial protein synthesis associated with Calliandra, Gliricidia, Leucaena browses and maize forage. Paper accepted for presentation at the XXth International Grassland Congress 2005, June –July 2005, Dublin, Ireland.

Prof Elly belongs to over 22 professional bodies and a few are listed below

  1. Fellow of the African Academy of Sciences 2007(to be inducted in 2008)
  2. Member and founder of the   Association of Uganda   Professional Agriculturalists (ASUPA) since 2001.
  3. Fellow of the Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) since 2001.
  4. Fellow of the Uganda National Academy of Sciences 2005.
  5. Member of the African Crop Science Society since 1994 to date.
  6. Member of The Grassland Society of Southern Africa 1998 to date.
  7. Member of Soil Conservation Society of Uganda, 1996 to date.
  8. Member of the Uganda Society and the Uganda Society Journal Jan. 1994 to date.
  9. International Rangeland Congress, April 1991 to date.
  10. International Grassland Congress 1989 to date
  11. Tropical Grassland Society of Australia 1993.
  12. I gave my Professorial Inaugural lecture in 2004 and over the years I have given several public lectures in Science and Practice of Agriculture.