
Nuwamanya Allen

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Nuwamanya Allen
Nuwamanya Allen
Assistant Lecturer

Nuwamanya Allen is an Assistant Lecturer and Head of Department Department of Business and EntrepreneurshipFaculty of Business, Economics, and Governance at Bishop Stuart University. She is a PhD Student at MOI University, Kenya.

Allen holds a Master of Business Administration, from Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST), and a Bachelor of Business Administration (Accounting and Finance)

She teaches and trains various business-related courses like Fundamentals of Accounting, Business Communication Skills, Financial Management, Operations Management, Cost and Management Accounting.


  1. Currently: PhD Student, MOI University
  2. 2015 -2018 MUST MBA (Accounting and Finance)
  3. 2009-2012 BSU BBA (Accounting and Finance)
  4. 2007-2008 UNEB U.A.C.E
  5. 2003-2006 UNEB U.C.E
  6. 1996-2002 UNEB P.L.E
2023 Department of Business and Entrepreneurship Head of Department
2019-Present Bishop Stuart University Assistant Lecturer
2014-2018 Bishop Stuart University Teaching Assistant
2013-2014 Makerere Metropolitan Institute Part-Time Teaching Assistant
2012(Jul)-2013 Global Institute of Business Studies Part-Time Teaching Assistant.
  1. Nuwamanya Allen1, Dr. Nsambu Kijjambu Frederick2, Nomugisha Mary3“Mobile Money Usage and growth of customers deposits in Commercial banks in Kakoba division-Mbarara Municipality”. (IJRISS) |Volume III, Issue IX, September 2019|ISSN 2454-6186 rsisinternational.org Page 114
  2. Nomugisha Mary, Turyamuhaki Peter, Nuwamanya Allen “Income Levels and Gender based Violence among the Civil Servants in Kamukuzi Division, Mbarara Municipality”(IJRISS) |Volume III, Issue IX, September 2019|ISSN 2454-6186 www.rsisinternational.org Page 224
  1. Certificate of Attendance in QRS NVivo Data Analysis Package Training at Bishop Stuart University
  2. Certificate of Attendance in E-Learning Training at Bishop Stuart University
  3. Certificate of attendance in leadership Induction work shop at BSU under the theme of “Role of Qualitative and Quantitative leadership”
  4. Certificate of attendance in Ethics and Integrity Seminar under the Theme of “Dialogue and Action for Positive Integrity and Transformation” at BSU
  5. Certificate of attendance in a civil Education Workshop under the Theme of “Promotion of Constitutionalism and Good Governance”.
  6. Certificate of merit as a class counselor for Business Administration at BSU
  7. Certificate of merit as an organizing Secretary of Mbarara Bishop Stuart University Students Association (MBSUSA)
  8. Certificate of appreciation for participating in the Guild Cultural Music Festivals under the theme of “Youth and Culture of Our Societies”
  9. Certificate of appreciation as Head Prefect at Nombe Secondary School.