Mpairwe Anthony is a Lecturer in the Department of Social Work and Social Administration, Faculty of Business, Economics, and Governance at Bishop Stuart University. He is a Ph.D. candidate at Bishop Stuart University and holds a Masters in Social Work from Uganda Christian University a Postgraduate Diploma in Development Studies (Project Planning and Management), a Bachelors Degree in Arts in Social Sciences from Makerere University and a Certificate in HIV/AIDS Counseling and Testing from the Institute of Advanced Leadership in Nsambya Kampala.
His Ph.D. research is focused on “Exploring Child Maltreatment and Child Protection Strategies in Southwestern Uganda: Sheema District and Mbarara City”. He has wide experience and interest in the fields of child welfare, gender, civil society management, community development, and public administration and governance. He has made various publications in the same fields.
Anthony has served as an academic staff representative for the BSU Academic Staff Association and at a faculty level, as a research coordinator, Department of Social Work and Social Administration. He has participated in programme review and development and quality assurance.
Period | Qualification |
2017 – 2020 | PhD Candidate, PhD-Development Management (PhD-DM) Bishop Stuart University, Mbarara.
Areas of Specialisation: Child Protection, Child Abuse, Human Rights and Community Transformation. |
2010 – 2012 | Masters of Social Work (MSW), Uganda Christian University (UCU), Mukono.
Areas of Specialisation: Community-Based Organisations, Women Economic Empowerment, Rural Transformation |
2007 August – 2008 May | Post Graduate Diploma in Development Studies (Project Planning and Management Option (PPM), Mbarara University of Science and Technology.
Areas of Specialisation: Project Planning and management, Environmental Impact Assessment, Political Participation, Gender Equality |
2002 – 2005 | Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences (BASS), Makerere University Kampala.
Areas of Specialisation: Political Science/Public Administration, Local Governance, sociology, Human Resource Management and service delivery. |
Period | Organisation |
2013 to date | Lecturer, Internship Coordinator, and Research Coordinator, Department of Social Work and Social Administration, Bishop Stuart University |
2007 to 2013 | Teaching Assistant/Field Study Trips’ Coordinator, Department of Social Work and Social Administration, Bishop Stuart University |
2011 to 2016. | Executive Member/Faculty of Business and Development Studies’ Representative, Bishop Stuart University Academic Staff Association (BISUASA) |
2006 Nov-Feb 2007. | Lecturer (Facilitator), Institute of Advanced Leadership, Nsambya – Kampala. |
May- November 2006 | Research Assistant, Cultural Heritage Centre. Kampala, |
August 2005- March 2006 | Data Entrant, Consumer Insight Uganda, Kampala, |
- Reviewed BSWASA and DSWASA Programs for Ankole Western University- Kabwohe and Resubmitted for Re-Accreditation to NCHE, 2016
- “Documenting the Bakiga culture” in Kabale 2007-2009 for Cultural Heritage Centre, Kampala.
- “Investigating the impact of health education promotion for the urban poor in Kampala” for KAHA Consult 2009-2011
- “Role of Village Health Teams in Promoting Community Health Awareness in Western Uganda” for Healthy Child Uganda 2010-2011.
- Designed and administered data collection tools in a feasibility study on Establishing a Female Hostel at Bishop Stuart University, 2015.
- Facilitator in conducting FGDs with stakeholders in doing a feasibility study on establishing a female students’ hostel at Bishop Stuart University, 2014
- Mpairwe, A., Bahati,R., Ainomugisha, A., & Ainamani, H. E. (2023). An Exploration of the Lived Experiences of Maltreated Children and Caregivers in Southwestern Uganda. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 11, 75-91. https://doi.org/10.4236/jss.2023.1111004
- Mpairwe Anthony, Ronald Bahati, Herbert Elvis Ainamani, Andrew Ainomugisha (2023) Exploring Community’s Knowledge Of The Available Child Protection Services In Southwestern Uganda International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research Volume 5, Issue 6, November-December 2023
- Nahwera, R., Banugire, F. R. & Mpairwe, A. (2022). The Ways in Which Village Saving and Loan Associations Have Contributed Towards Socio-Economic Empowerment of Women in Rubaya Sub County. East African Journal of Business and Economics, 5(1), 269-276. https://doi.org/10.37284/eajbe.5.1.885
- Mpairwe Anthony, Komurere Abigail, Atwiine Scovia and Muganga George. 2019. “Universities and Socio-Economic Transformation of Neighboring Communities: A Case of Bishop Stuart University and Mbarara University of Science and Technology”, International Journal of Current Research available online at http://www.journalcra.com, vol. 11 issue 02, February 2019, ISSN, 0975833
- Muganga George, Mpairwe Anthony and Komurere Abigail: Enterprising for Rural Transformation in Developing Countries: The Natural Availability Dilemma, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017, ISSN (Online): 2319-7064.
- Mpairwe Anthony (2011). Post-Election Conflicts and Conflict Resolution in Africa: A New Democratic Impasse of the 21st Century. In: Journal of Development Issues, Vol 2, Bishop Stuart University ISSN 20774354
- Ahimbisibwe Frank and Mpairwe Anthony (2011).Women Political Participation in Local Governments in Uganda. VDM Publishing House, Germany
- Mpairwe Anthony (2010). Empowering Women in Agriculture in Africa. In: Journal of Development Issues. VOL.2 2010, Bishop Stuart University Mbarara ISSN 20774354
Research Dissertations
- Assessing Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Needs In Bishop Stuart Demonstration Primary School, Mbarara City South, Mbarara City (ongoing BSU-Grant research, 2023)
- Atwiine. S, Mpairwe.A and Komurere. A. (2021) Health Support Systems and Maternal/Infant Health Care in Mbarara District. Using a case of Bushenyi Health Centre iv, Bushenyi District 2021(ongoing research)
- Assessing Child Maltreatment and Child Protection strategies in Sheema District and Mbarara city, South Western Uganda (Ongoing PhD Research)
- The Contribution of Community-Based Organisations Towards Economic Empowerment of Women in Rural Mbarara District (2013) (Masters of Social Work Dissertation)
- Women Political Participation in Local Governments: A Case of Bushenyi District (2008) for A Post Graduate Diploma in Development Studies (Project Planning and Management) at Mbarara University of Science and Technology (Published)
- Utilisation of the 25% Tax by Village Councils in Bushenyi District (2005) for a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Social Sciences of Makerere University.
Paper presentations
- Universities and the socio-economic transformation of neighboring communities. Case of Bishop Stuart University and Mbarara University of science and technology in Mbarara. at Bishop Stuart University-Main Campus, Kakoba, 23rd/February/2017
- Integrity in Leadership: A Springboard of Morality: Organized by The Students Guild Council Under the Ministry of Ethics and Integrity, Bishop Stuart University, Mbarara, 26th September 2015.
- Politics and Education in Africa, Organized by the Student Guild Council Leadership, Bishop Stuart University, Mbarara, 5th September, 2011
- Humanitarian Organizations as a Response to Internally Displaced Persons, Facilitated By CODESRIA, at Rwizi Arch Hotel, Mbarara, 30th Feb. 2009.
- Faces of Conflict Resolution and Inclusive Development, Facilitated By Mbarara University of Science and Technology, and Uganda Development Studies Students Association (UDESA), at Lake View Resort Hotel, Mbarara Uganda, 4th Dec. 2008
- Chairperson for Community Livelihoods Enhancement and Association Rwentondo- (CLEAR), Rwentondo Cell, Kakoba Division – Mbarara Municipality, 2018 to date.
- Household Intervention in a Case of a Family with a crippled son who had autism and was unable to control his excretory system in Birere, Isingiro District; 17th /March /2015
- Visitation to Kisoro Referral Hospital, Kisoro District, February 2017. Donation of laundry items, basins, and groves was made and general cleaning around the hospital done.
- Visitation to Rwamwanja Refugee Settlement and donation of items to refugees (household items like clothing, food items, money) February 2017.
- Community outreach intervention /Visitation of Mana Rescue Home in Fortportal on 31/03/2016. For children infected and affected by HIV/AIDS