Komurere Abigail is a lecturer in the Department of Social Work and Social Administration, Faculty of Business, Economics, and Governance, Bishop Stuart University. She is currently a PhD Candidate at Mbarara University of Science and Technology. Her research focuses on “Sexuality education and sexual and reproductive needs of out of school adolescents”.
Abigail holds a Master of Public Health Leadership (2006-2008) and a Bachelor of Social Work and Social Administration (2002-2005) from Uganda Christian University.
She previously served as Head of Department, Social Work and Social Administration; Faculty field work coordinator, Departmental Quality Assurance in charge at BSU and as a Volunteer at AIDS Information Centre, Uganda.
Universities and Socio-Economic Transformation of Neighboring Communities; A case of Bishop Stuart University and Mbarara University of Science and Technology ISSN 0975833X – 2020. Link: https://www.journalcra.com/article/universities-and-socio-economic-transformation-neighboring-communities-case-bishop-stuart
Enterprising for Rural Transformation in Developing Countries ISSN 2319-7064; The Natural Availability Dilemma – 2018. Link: https://www.ijsr.net/get_count.php?paper_id=ART20178030
Factors Contributing to Low Health Unit Deliveries in Rwanyamaheembe Sub county- Mbarara District with VDM, ISSN 978-3-639-37632-6. Link: https://www.amazon.com/Factors-Contributing-Deliveries-Health-Units/dp/B01K904WQI
February 2023: Certificate in grant writing by Mbarara University of Science and Technology in partnership with BLmS- NCDs project.
July 2016: Certificate in Administrative law for three months from the Faculty of Law, Bishop Stuart University.
July 2015: Certificate in QRS Nvivo Qualitative analysis package, Bishop Stuart University,
2016: Certificate of recognition from Bishop Stuart University Council as Head of Department of Social Work and Social Administration
September 2012: Certificate upon completing the International Clinical Research Training at a workshop carried out at the Mbarara University of Science and Technology.
June 2011: Certificate on assessment of learning in a university at Bishop Stuart University Mbarara.
August 2010: Certificate on East Africa customs Union and transfer pricing held at Kampala Serena Hotel Kampala.
October 2007: Certificate in training peer Educators on reproductive health rights, knowledge and skills at Bishop Stuart University Mbarara.
October 2004: Certificate in basic helping skills in psychosocial care and support for people infected and affected by HIV/AIDS at Uganda Christian University-Mukono.