Kakuba Dennis

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Kakuba Dennis
Kakuba Dennis
Assistant Lecturer

Kakuba Dennis is an Assistant Lecturer at Bishop Stuart University (BSU), an organization he has served for 12 years. He is a Ph.D. Student at Makerere University – Business School, holds a Masters and a Bachelors in Business Administration with a specialty in Accounting and Finance, CPA level III.

He served at BSU as a Senior Accountant from 2014 to 2022, as an Accountant at Ruharo Mission Hospital from 2010 to 2011, and IFES with Focus Uganda and NKSS Norway.

  1. PhD Student, Makerere University Business School, Uganda (2022-to date)
  2. Certified Public Accountant Uganda- Level III Institute of Certified Public Accountants Uganda  (2016-to date)
  3.  Masters of Business Administration (Finance) Uganda Christian University (2012-2014)
  4. Bachelor of Business Administration (Accounting & Finance), Uganda Christian University (20052008)
  1. 2022-to Date – Assistant Lecturer, Bishop Stuart University
  2. 2014-to 2022 – Senior Accountant, Bishop Stuart University
  3. 2011-2014 – Teaching Assistant, Bishop Stuart University
  4. 2010-2014  – Accountant, Ruharo Mission Hospital
  5. 2009-2010  – Exchange Student-Volunteer, NKSS-Laget Norway (International Fellowship of Evangelical Students)
  6. 2008-2009  – Campus staff, FOCUS Uganda


April,2019 Taxation Seminar Institute of Certified Public

Accountants of Uganda

October, 2018 IFES/EPSA –Mentorship


FOCUS Kenya and

International Fellowship of

Evangelical Students

September ,2017 Advanced Excel Training Institute of Certified Public

Accountants of Uganda

August,2016 International Financial

Reporting Standards


Institute of Certified Public

Accountants of Uganda


2016-todate World Bank Competitive Grant Scheme

(Thru NARO and BSU)- Enhancing the Production and utilisation of Aromatic crops through establishment of

commercialisation  Medicinal Gardens and

assessment of the malaria Vector Repellence of their Essential Oils

Project Accountant
2015- date AVSI SKY Suporting Agro Business through Agriculture Démonstrations Projects. Funded by Republic of  Netherlands Project Accountant
2020-todate Fafo Institute for Labour and Social Research,

Oslo, Norway- and BSU- Data Collection from

4000 Refugee Households in Uganda,

Finance Officer
2018 to 2020 Youth Busines Incubation Hub.- RUFORAM Funded Project Accountant
2019- to 2020 Hepituitah Project- A collaboration of Mbarara

University of Science and Technology , Lira University and Bishop Stuart University funded by NIH.

Project Accountant
KAKUBA, D., NAMANYA, B., & NOEL, K. Implementation Challenges of Corporate Social Responsibility Programs among Commercial Banks in Uganda-A Case of Absa Bank Mbarara. Bishop Stuart University Journal of Development, Education & Technology. Retrieved from https://jodet.bsu.ac.ug/index.php/1/article/view/46