![Dr. William Mwebembezi](https://www.bsu.ac.ug/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Dr.-Mwebembezi-271x300.png)
Consultant Lecturer & HOD Animal Health and Production
Dr. William Mwebembezi is the Head of Department, Department of Animal Health and Production, Faculty of Agriculture, Environmental Sciences and Technology and Consultant Lecturer at Bishop Stuart University. He holds a Master of Science in Biology, Vertebrate Ecology, Wild Life Conservation and Management Majoring in Brucellosis in Cattle Production Systems from Mbarara University of Science and Technology and a Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine from Makerere University.
He is a lead person for the Animal Health and Production Ambulatory Clinic and a responsible for the Bridging Course and other continued professional development courses.
- Animal Agriculture for Sustainable Rural Development from Abihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine – Japan
- Essential and Adapted Veterinary Laboratory Techniques for Field Veterinarians from the College of Veterinary Medicine and Bio-Security (COVAB)
- Artificial Animal Breeding for Field Technicians (Mak)
- Animal Production and Health from the Egyptian International Centre of Agriculture (EICA)
- Biotechnology, Risk Assessment, Analysis and monitoring of Genetically Modified food products and Communication aspects of Biosafety by regional FAO and UN Biotechnology
- Quality Management and Legislation of Veterinary Services of MAAIF (Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries)
He has participated and coordinated International projects under credible development partnerships with the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the UN, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Heifer International, (African Union Inter African Bureau for Animal Resources (AU – IBAR). Currently working with Uganda – New Zealand Dairy Development as Uganda Counterpart coordinated by Her Excellency Professor Joyce Kakuramasi Kikafunda, the High Commissioner of Uganda to Australia and New Zealand (and Designate for Fiji, Papua, New Guinea, Solomon Islands).
- Currently: Consultant Lecturer, Bishop Stuart University
- 1992 to 1995 – Veterinary Officer (MAAIF)
- 1995 to 2003 – Veterinary Officer under Mbarara District Local Government (MDLG) responsible for Animal Production (Breeding, Nutrition and Water for Production)
- 2003 to 2011 – Veterinary Officer responsible for Animal Health, Disease and Pests Control and Regulation.
- 2011 to 2014 – Senior Veterinary Officer responsible for Animal Disease diagnostics, Epidemiology and movement Regulations
- 2014 to 2020 – Principal Veterinary Officer responsible for, Supervision of Veterinary Services, accountability, disease surveillance and reporting to the District Production Officer
- 2020 to May 2021 – District Production Officer responsible for department work plan execution and budgeting, Administration and reporting to District Accounting Officer I.e. Chief Administrative Officer (CAO)
- Mwebembezi William (2010); Prevalence of Antibodies against Brucellosis in cattle production Systems around Lake Mburo National Park Msc. Dissertation not published
- Kabi Fred and Mwebembezi William (2009); Prevalence of Brucellosis and Worms in cattle of South Western Uganda Rangelands
- Nsereko, D. W. Kakaire, W. Mwebembezi (2009) Evaluation of Alternative techniques for control of nematode infestations in exotic and cross-breed goats in South Western Uganda
- Alloysius Karugaba, William Mwebembezi, Augustine Ndolereire, W. Nguma and B. S. Okulo (2002), Potentials for Livestock and Crops integration in Arua, Kapchorwa, Mbarara and Kabarole Districts – New Vision Publishers Corporation
- Karwita, Aichi, Mwebembezi, Lauwo (2002), Is zero grazing in small holder dairy cattle Farming in East Africa economical? A case of Mbarara – Uganda and Arusha Tanzania – East and Central Africa Publishers
- Effect of chemical tick control practices on tick infestation and Theileria parva infection in an intensive dairy production region of Uganda.
- Prevalence of sub-clinical mastitis and its association with milking practices in an intensive dairy production region of Uganda.
- Understanding the Association between cattle tick-borne diseases and climate variability in Mbarara district western Uganda – Journal of development, education and technology (JODET) First edition February 2023 ISSN-I: 2959-0523
International Scientific Conference Presentations
- Animal Agriculture for Sustainable Rural Development in Uganda – Presented to Abihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine – Japan, September 2015
- Prevalence of Brucella antibodies in breeding goats in respect of source – ILRI Campus, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia January 2013
- Seasonal runoff and livelihood in the Kagera Basin of Uganda – presented to the University of Bergen, Norway (Autumn 2007)
Research-related work and Student Supervision
Dr. William Mwebembezi has mentored and supervised graduate and undergraduate students’ research works and attachment reports from various institutions including Makerere University, Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Bishop Stuart University, Bustema University, University of Saskatchewan – Canada, Rakuno Gakwen University – Japan, and Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine – Japan.
- Contributed to Chapter Two of Potentials of Livestock and Crops Integration in the Mbarara dry belt. Agrisystems (Eastern Africa Ltd) 2002 (pages 55 – 80) ULAMP TR 2000 – 02