Ph.D Agric., M.Sc. Agric.,B.Sc. Agric.
Spec: Agronomy of Crops and Pastures; Seed Science and Technology; Seed Systems
Dr. Sylvester Katuromunda is a senior lecturer at Bishop Stuart University in the Department of Agriculture, Agribusiness, and Environment, Faculty of Agriculture, Environmental Sciences and Technology. His specific fields of professional specialization are Agronomy of Crops and Pastures; Seed Science and Technology and Seed Systems.
Dr. Sylvester holds a Ph.D. in Agriculture, a M.Sc. in Agriculture (Crop Option), a B.Sc. in Agriculture (Crop Science), and a Diploma in Agriculture Education from Makerere University.
He has experience in teaching agricultural/environmental sciences both at undergraduate and postgraduate and supervising and mentoring students.
With a background in Teacher Education and Ph.D. in nutrient recycling (soil-plant-animal nutrient interactions), he specializes in the interface between crop and agro-pastoral production systems. During his graduate training, he served as a teaching assistant of Pasture agronomy and Seed Science in the Department of Agricultural Production. In 2013, was appointed Lecturer, and promoted to the rank of Senior Lecturer in 2020.
He is involved in teaching and supervising students; conducting research in agronomy of crops and pastures, and agro-pastoral production systems (crop- livestock integration). He has carried out research in the pastoral communities of Isingiro, Kazo and Kiruhura districts. He offers expertise in agronomy of crops and pastures, Seed Science and Technology, and integrated crop/livestock farming systems.
In 2017, he participated in the Agriculture Benchmarking Forum that was conducted by the Inter-University Council for East Africa to harmonize agriculture programmes among university institutions in the East African Community Partner States.
Dr. Sylvester Katuromunda is a senior lecturer at Bishop Stuart University. He previously worked at Makerere University as a Lecturer, Ministry of Education and Sports for 22 years as a secondary school Agriculture Teacher and Head of Department from October 1987 to 1993, and from 1997 to August 2013.
He served for six years (2002-2008) as an agriculture examiner, setting and marking the Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education Examinations for the Uganda National Examinations Board. He also served as Mature Age Entry Examiner, setting and marking agriculture examinations for those who wished to join Makerere University as mature age entrants.
He participated in developing the Agriculture curriculum for the University of Kisubi; and also took part in designing the Uganda Advanced Level Agriculture Curriculum Syllabus. He served the community as Wakiso District Trainer of Biology for Secondary Science and Mathematics Teachers (SESEMAT) Programme for five years (2008-2013), and as a member of the Lay Apostolate Committee of Mary Reparatrix Mpala Catholic Sub-parish for four years.
Currently, he is the external examiner for agriculture courses at King Ceasor University, and he is the Co-Founder/Director of ST. Joseph’s High School Nakirebe, founded in 2004 with UNEB Centre Number U2257 and Registration Number PSS/S/360.
Employment Career
i) Promoted to Senior Lecturer, Makerere University in July 2020.
ii) Appointed Lecturer, Makerere University, September 2013 to June 2020.
iii) Part-time Lecturer, Kyambogo University, September 2009 to June 2017.
iv) Teaching Assistant, Makerere University. (Period when I was undertaking M.Sc. & Ph.D., and Postdoctoral Research Fellow), January 1998 to August 2013
v) Teacher of Agriculture and Biology, and Head of the Agriculture Department at Secondary School level, January 1997 to August 2013.
vi) Appointed Agriculture Examiner by Uganda National Examinations Board to set and mark exams for Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education, 2002 to 2008.
vii) Farm Manager and Teacher of Agriculture at St. Mary’s College Kisubi, October 1987 to August 1993.
- Experienced Lecturer in teaching and research in agronomy of crops and pastures, Seed Science and Technology and Seed Systems; mentorship, coordination and outreach
- Research management skills in agricultural/environmental sciences and technologies
- Community development and action research in drylands for pastoral livelihoods
- Grassland and Forage Sciences for livestock production
- Pastoral systems research, development and advocacy
- Seed Science & Technology
- Crop-Livestock-Environment interactions for enhanced production
- Peri-Urban Agriculture and Food Security
Dr. Sylvester Katuromunda has published over 15 original research papers in peer-reviewed journals, and eight agricultural textbooks for academic use at primary, secondary and tertiary levels of education. He is a peer reviewer for several international journals and evaluates manuscripts before they are published to ensure that they meet the standards.
Peer-reviewed publications in refereed journals
- Tumusiime, B., Kiwanuka, M., Aheisibwe, R. A. and Katuromunda, S. (2023). Effect of Stakeholder Engagement on the Adoption of Agricultural Technologies by Farmers in Uganda: A Case of SNV-TIDE Project in Isingiro District. Journal of Development, Education and Technology, 1(2): 117-150. https://doi.org/10.59472/jodet.v1i2.18
- Katuromunda, S. and Namuwulya, P. (2023). Optimum combination of plant spacing and mulching on productivity of red-leaf lettuce. African Crop Science Journal, 31(2): 191-199. ISSN 1021-9730/2023. https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/acsj.v31i2.5
- Katuromunda, S., Turyahabwe, N and Tweheyo, M. (2022). Optimising stocking rates on livestock farms neighbouring Wetlands for sustainable long-term productivity and Ecological stability. African Crop Science Journal, 30(3): 391-404. ISSN 1021-9730/2022. https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/acsj.v30i3.9
- Muhangi, Y., Talwana, H. and Katuromunda, S. 2022. Effect of selected climate smart agronomic practices on maize growth and yield. Makerere University Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, 11(1): 40-53. ISSN 1563-3721. https://mujaes.mak.ac.ug/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/3Muhangi.pdf
- Katwesige, A., Ddamulira, G. and Katuromunda, S. (2022). Effect of potassium nitrate spray on the flowering and fruiting of mango varieties grown in Uganda. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science, 34(1): 80-93. https://doi.org/10.9734/ijpss/2022/v34i130827
- Katuromunda, S. (2021). Growth and yield response of improved sweet potato cultivars to intercropping with hybrid maize and inorganic fertilizers. Journal of Plant Sciences, 9(6): 293-ISSN: 2331-0731. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.jps.20210906.13
- Katuromunda, S., Ekwaro, B and Wanaku, B. (2021). Yield performance of newly developed cassava varieties in response to inorganic fertilizers. Modern Applied Science, 15(4): 60-68. ISSN 1913-1844 E-ISSN 1913-1852. https://doi.org/10.5539/mas.v15n4p60
- Katuromunda, S., Mpairwe, D., Sabiiti, E.N. & Wredle, E. 2017. Effect of supplementary feeding on the performance of Ankole x Friesian crossbred calves grazed on natural pastures. Journal of Agriculture and Ecology Research International, 10(4): 1-12. ISSN: 2394-1073. https://10.9734/JAERI/2017/30366
- Momolu, E.P., Lamo, J. & Katuromunda, S. Soil moisture stress and nitrogen supply affect the growth characteristics and yield of upland rice cultivars. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science, 15(5): 1-10. https://doi.org/10.9734/IJPSS/2017/30318
- Momolu, E.P., Lamo, J. & Katuromunda, S. Effect of soil moisture stress duration on the growth characteristics and yield of rice cultivars. Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, 5(2):66-76. http://dx.doi.org/10.15640/jaes.v4n2a9
- Monir, I.Y.A. Sserumaga, J.P. Ayesiga, S.B. Katuromunda, S. and Asea, D. 2016. Application of morpho-anatomical traits of maize plant to quality control and quality assurance in maize seed system. African Crop Science Journal, 24(4): 361-375. ISSN 1021-9730/2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/acsj.v24i4.3
- Katuromunda, S., Bekunda, M.A. & Sabiiti, E.N. 2012. Effect of method of storing cattle faeces on the physical and chemical characteristics of the resultant composted cattle manure. Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 13 (2): 95-106. ISSN 1026-0919. https://www.ajol.info/index.php/ujas/article/view/126212
- Katuromunda, S., Sabiiti, E.N. & Bekunda, M.A. 2012. Effect of legume foliage supplementary feeding to dairy cattle offered Pennisetum purpureum basal diet on feed intake and manure Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 13 (1): 25-34. ISSN 1026-0919. https://www.ajol.info/index.php/ujas/article/view/126111
- Katuromunda, S., Sabiiti, E.N. & Bekunda, M.A. 2011. Effect of combined application of cattle manure and mineral fertilisers on the growth characteristics and quality of Pennisetum purpureum Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 23(12), Article #251. ISSN 0121-3784. http://www.lrrd.org/lrrd23/12/katu23251.htm
- Katuromunda, S., Sabiiti, E.N. and Bareeba, F.B. 2000. Effects of Siratro and maize bran supplementation on feed intake and milk yield and composition of crossbred lactating cows fed Pennisetum purpureum basal diets. Makerere University Agricultural Research Institute, Kabanyolo (MUARIK) Bulletin, 3: 49-56. https://mujaes.mak.ac.ug/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Volume-4.pdf
Publications in proceedings
- Katuromunda, S., Sabiiti, E.N. & Bareeba, F.B. 2008. Integrating Forage Legumes in Crop/Livestock Systems for Sustainable Food Production in Peri-Urban Agriculture in International Grassland Congress Proceedings; XXI International Grassland Congress and VIII International Rangeland Congress, 29 June-5 July 2008, Hohhot China https://uknowledge.uky.edu/igc/21/10-2/26
- Katuromunda, S., Sabiiti, E.N. and Bareeba, F.B. 2001. Sustainable Pennisetum purpureum fodder production in the peri-urban smallholder crop-livestock production systems of Uganda. In: Tenywa, J.S., P. Nampala, G. Tusiime & M. Osiru (Eds.). African Crop Science Conference Proceedings held in Lagos, Nigeria, 5: 559 – 564.
Professionally recognized books
- Book for university-level
- Sabiiti, N., Katongole, C.B., Katuromunda, S., Sengendo, H., Basalirwa, C.P.K., Atukunda, G. and Nambuubi, S.K. 2014. Building Urban Resilience: Assessing Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture in Kampala, Uganda. [Padgham, J. & J. Jabbour (Eds.)]. United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi, Kenya. 62 pp. ISBN: 978-92-807-3371-9. https://www.unep.org/resources/report/building-urban-resilience-assessing-urban-and-peri- urban-agriculture-kampala
- Books for Schools and Colleges
- Sabiiti, E.N., Katuromunda, S. and Kitakweba, A. 2010. Agriculture Principles & Practices for Schools and Colleges: Crop Production. Fountain Publishers, Kampala. 374 pp.
- Sabiiti, E.N., Katuromunda, S. and Kitakweba, A. 2010. Agriculture Principles & Practices for Schools and Colleges: Animal Production. Fountain Publishers, Kampala. 278 pp.
- Sabiiti, E.N., Katuromunda, S. and Kitakweba, A. 2010. Agriculture Principles & Practices for Schools and Colleges: Farm Structures, Machinery and Agricultural Economics. Fountain Publishers, Kampala. 297 pp.
- Books for primary school level
- Katuromunda, S., Kitakweba, A., Omedo, V. and Wanyama, W. 2003. Macmillan Uganda Primary Agriculture Pupil’s Book 4. Macmillan Publishers, London, UK. 115 pp.
- Katuromunda, S., Kitakweba, A., Omedo, V. and Wanyama, W. 2003. Macmillan Uganda Primary Agriculture Pupil’s Book 5. Macmillan Publishers, London, UK. 105 pp.
- Katuromunda, S., Kitakweba, A., Omedo, V. and Wanyama, W. 2003. Macmillan Uganda Primary Agriculture Pupil’s Book 6. Macmillan Publishers, London, UK. 144 pp.
- Katuromunda, S., Kitakweba, A., Omedo, V. and Wanyama, W. 2003. Macmillan Uganda Primary Agriculture Pupil’s Book 7. Macmillan Publishers, London, UK. 118 pp.
- Published book chapter
- Sabiiti, E.N., Mugasi, S.K. and Katuromunda, S. 2008. Forage Production and Management in Dryland Areas of Uganda. In: Kafi, M. and M.A. Khan (Eds.). Crop and Forage Production Using Saline Waters. Daya Publishing House, New Delhi, India. pp. 247-256.
Period | Project |
2015-2019 | Yield response of newly developed cassava and sweet potato to intercropping with maize and mineral fertiliser application (Self-sponsored Project). Studies were carried out on improved cassava and sweet potato varieties. Papers published from this project are:
1. Growth and yield response of newly released cassava genotypes and hybrid maize to intercropping. International Journal of Research, 7(7): 6-21. 2. Yield performance of newly developed cassava varieties in response to inorganic fertilizers. Modern Applied Science, 15(4): 60-68. 3. Response of improved sweet potato cultivars to intercropping with hybrid maize and inorganic fertilizers. Journal of Plant Sciences, 9(6): 293-302. |
2012-2013 | Determining carrying capacity of Ekigaaga wetland in Isingiro district to optimize utilisation of wetland forage by livestock. This was part of the project “Trade-off and Synergies in Managing Wetland Resources for Improved Food Security and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Lake Victoria Basin” Funded by the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs through VicRes [Grant Number PGS/VicRes/2014-01]. |
2011-2013 | Effect of supplementary feeding on the performance of Ankole x Friesian crossbred calves grazed on natural pastures in rangelands. This was part of a broader project “Climate change effects on livestock productivity”. Funded by Sida-SAREC. Output paper was published in the Journal of Agriculture and Ecology Research International, 2017. |
2011-2012 | Assessment of Climate Change and Urban Food Production in Kampala. I served as one of the Lead Authors commissioned by the System for Analysis, Research, and Training (START) based in the USA and the Institute of Resource Assessment, University of Dar es Salaam.
Output was a book, “Building Urban Resilience: Assessing Urban and Peri-urban Agric in Kampala, Uganda”. [Padgham, J. & J. Jabbour (Eds.)]. UNEP, Nairobi, Kenya. |
Curriculum Development
- July 2017: Commissioned by Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA) to participate in the Agriculture Benchmarking Forum to develop a framework of benchmark in Agriculture that will be in line with the National and Regional Qualifications Frameworks, leading to harmonization of Agriculture programs among university institutions in the East African Community Partner States.
- March 2015: I was commissioned by the National Council for Higher Education as institutional and program reviewer / Program Assessor to vet agriculture related university
- October 2008: Commissioned to participate in developing a BSc/Ed (Agriculture) curriculum for Kisubi Brothers Centre of Uganda Martyrs University, currently the University of
- November 2005: I was commissioned by the National Curriculum Development Centre to participate in designing the Advanced Level Agriculture Curriculum Syllabus for Secondary
Vetting / Reviewing manuscripts for publication
He has reviewed manuscripts for the following refereed journals
Journal Title | Title of manuscript vetted | Year | |
1. | Environmental Sustainability | Aquilaria species: An analysis of the patent technologies | Sept. 2023 |
2. | Environmental Sustainability | Sustainable intensification of vegetable production using the cereal ‘push-pull technology’: One Health implications | July 2022 |
3. | Environmental Sustainability | Variations in soil pH, Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium and growth of tissue culture banana under two organic bio-slurry soil amendments in Central Uganda | Mar. 2022 |
4. | Scientific African | Food fortification technologies: Influence on iron, zinc and vitamin A bioavailability and potential implications on micronutrient deficiency in sub-Saharan Africa. | Nov. 2020 |
5. | Scientific African | Forage Growth, Yield and Nutritional Characteristics of Four Varieties of Napier Grass (Pennisetum Purpureum Schumach) in the West Usambara Highlands, Tanzania | Apr. 2019 |
6. | International Journal of Plant & Soil Science | Screening & identification of rice genotypes with drought tolerance under stress and non-stress conditions for Bihar | Aug. 2017 |
7. | Rangeland Ecology & Management | Satellite assessment of early season forecasts for vegetation conditions of grazing allotments in Nevada | Dec. 2016 |
8. | American Journal of Experimental Agriculture | Site Suitability for The Cultivation of Saffron (Crocus Sativus kashmirianus) using Geospatial and Multi Criteria Evaluation Techniques | Oct. 2016 |
9. | Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology | Analysis of the Organization and Challenges of Contract Farming in Tanzania: A Case of Mtibwa Sugarcane Outgrower Scheme | Apr. 2016 |
10. | Journal of Applied Life Sciences International | Nutritional Evaluation of Marula (Sclerocarya birrea) Seed Cake as a Protein Supplement in Dairy Meal | Dec. 2015 |
11. | Journal of Agriculture and Environment for International Development | Socio-Economic Study of Cattle Manure and Urea as Fertiliser for Food Production in Central Uganda | Apr. 2014 |
Institutions | Period | Degree / Certificate award |
Makerere University | 2011 – 2013 | Post-doctoral Research Fellow |
Makerere University | 2004 – 2010 | Ph.D. Agriculture |
Makerere University | 1998 – 2001 | M.Sc. Agriculture (Crop Option) |
Makerere University | 1993 – 1997 | B.Sc. Agriculture (Crop Science) |
Makerere University | 1985 – 1987 | Diploma in Agriculture Education |
Ibanda Secondary School | 1979 – 1985 | U.C.E and U.A.C.E Certificates |