Dr. Charles M. Musinguzi is a Lecturer at Bishop Stuart University, Department of Animal Health and Production, Faculty of Agriculture, Environmental Sciences and Technology. He holds a Master of Science (Development of Livestock Health and Production Programs) from the University of Reading, UK, a Postgraduate Diploma in Development Studies from Mbarara University of Science and Technology and a Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine from Makerere University.
He previously headed the Department of Agriculture, Agribusiness and Environment Studies at BSU where he oversaw the development of DAHP and BAHP curricula as recommended by UVB and OIE.
- 2001: Post Graduate Diploma in Development Studies, Mbarara University of Science and Technology
- 1994: Master of Science (Development of Livestock Health and Production Programs), University of Reading, UK.
- Oct-Dec 1992: Epidemiology & Economics of Livestock Development, University of Reading, UK.
- 1974-78: Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine, Makerere University
- Dec 2022: Together with ECTAD-FAO in Mbarara, he participated in the writing of the concept for Risk Based Control of FMD in Uganda, leading to FAO FMD- TCP.
- Aug/Sept 2022: Conducted Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) study in the prevention and control of African Swine fever among pig farmers in seven Districts of Uganda. Analysed data and wrote
- April-May 2022 Attended Frontline In-Service Applied Veterinary Epidemiology Training Programme (ISAVET) Cohort 3 in Jinja
- May 2021- Sept 2022: FAO National Project Coordinator – Uganda, Global Fund – Transboundary Animal Diseases (African Swine Fever) Project (OSRO/GLO/074/USA)
- 2020- July 22 Head of Department, Agriculture, Agribusiness and Environment Studies, Bishop Stuart University, Mbarara. (Oversaw the development of DAHP and BAHP curricula as recommended by UVB and OIE)
- 2020: Lecturer, Kyera Agricultural Training College in Animal Health and Production
- July 2018 Attended FMD Progressive Control Pathway (PCP) 3rd Regional Roadmap for Eastern Africa Entebbe, Uganda (GF-TADs/FAO/OIE/MAAIF)
- 2016: Trainer, Management and Economics of Piggery Development (NAADS / Mbarara District / Korea International Cooperation KOICA)
- 2011-22: Lecturer, Bishop Stuart University in Department of Animal Health and Production
- 2010: Mbarara District Focal person on Epidemics and Trans-boundary Animal Diseaaes (CBPP, FMD, ASF). Surveillance, Animal disease control activities, public awareness, liaison with National agencies and animal health partners
- 2010: Consultant trainer in Malaba and Busia; Review and on-farm evaluation, Small-Scale Poultry Production and Disease Control for backyard poultry farmers. (Food Security and Economic Strengthening for “Roads to a Healthy Future” (ROADS II), a DAI/ USAID/FHI project
- Jun-Nov 09: In-Country Technical Consultant, USAID/STOP-AI, District-Level Action Planning and Outbreak Response Practice: Tororo, Soroti, Masindi and Rukungiri Districts
- Jan – Apr 09: Technical Trainer, USAID/STOP-AI Uganda Biosecurity, Surveillance and Outbreak Response training, Kasese, Lira & Kabale Districts.
- May 2008: Accra Ghana – Technical Trainer & Veterinary Epidemiology consultant at USAID/STOP-AI training-of-trainers course for veterinarians, for strengthening surveillance, bio-security, and response capacity in the Republic of Ghana.
- 2007: Dakar Senegal- Consultants Pre-deployment Training and Veterinary Epidemiology for HPAI, USAID/STOP AI, Africa region
- Oct 2007: Rome Italy – FAO Orientation for Animal Health Rapid Deployment Missions
- Oct 2006: Khartoum Sudan – FAO Participatory Disease Search (Epidemiology and Surveillance for the Control of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza)
– Under OSRO/UGA/604/USA conducted country-wide workshops for stakeholders for dissemination of the National Preparedness and Response Plan HPAI in Uganda, which contained bio-security standard operating procedures, formation of rapid response teams and conducting of HPAI outbreak field simulation exercises
– Under OSRO/UGA/711/USA, AND together with MAAIF and other stakeholders he participated in the writing of the Compensation Policy for Avian Influenza in Uganda which was submitted to the Government for consideration
- Apr 2008 – Jun 2009 FAO National Consultant on Avian Influenza on FAO/MAAIF project, “Support to the Implementation of the National Plan of Action for Preparedness and Response to Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in Uganda” (Project OSRO/UGA/711/USA)
– He participated in the writing of the National Integrated National Plan of Action for Preparedness and Response to Avian and Human Influenza (INAP). Supported by development partners (CDC, DANIDA, DFID, EU, Swedish Embassy, USAID, WB and the UN agencies (FAO, UNICEF, WHO)
- Aug 06 – Mar 08: FAO National Consultant on Avian Influenza, Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) Uganda, “Emergency assistance for the implementation of the surveillance and communication components of the National Plan of Action for Preparedness and Response to Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) in Uganda”. Supported by USAID (Project OSRO/UGA/604/USA).
- 2006-2009 Member of National Task Force on Avian Influenza representing FAO, Uganda
- 2006: Veterinary officer (Epidemiology), Mbarara District Local Government
- 2003-2005: Officer-in-Charge National Animal Genetic Resource Centre and Data Bank (NAGRC&DB) Field Station, Sanga Mbarara.
- Coordinator Area-Based Agricultural Modernisation Programme (AAMP) in Sanga, Mbarara District
- May-June 2000: IAC, Wageningen, The Netherlands: Participatory Planning and Monitoring in Rural Development
- 2000: Part-time lecturer in Development Planning, Faculty of Development Studies, Mbarara University of Science and Technology
- 1996-2003: Project Manager (8 years), GTZ-Integrated Pastoral Development Project (GTZ-IPDP). Implemented an 8-year German-Uganda project on rural development (infrastructure development, livestock health and production, food security, etc)
- 1995: Officer-in-Charge, Ankole Ranching Scheme. A 2-year study of the status of ticks and tick-borne diseases and brucellosis in pastoral farming systems in Uganda
- 1994: Officer-in-Charge, Mbarara Stock
- 1991-93: Coordinator, GTZ-Epidemiology MAAIF Sub-centre in Mbarara under the Uganda-Germany Bilateral project “Promotion of Veterinary Services”.
– Carried out a three-year study in livestock farming systems in Mbarara with an emphasis on animal health and production.
– Epidemiological investigations of livestock diseases
- 1980-90 Agricultural Extension officer in Mbarara District offices. Responsible for disease investigation and diagnostics, laboratory, livestock data, epidemiology,