
BSU JODET Vol. I Issue 03 is in!

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BSU JODET Vol. I Issue 03 is in!

Editor’s Note.

This is the 3rd issue of Bishop Stuart University’s Academic Journal of Development, Education and Technology (JODET Vol. 01 Issue 03) which was launched in January 2023. The first issue was accepted for indexing in Google Scholar and CrossRef, thus strengthening BSU’s standing as a fast-growing research-based institution in Uganda. We are not just any other learning institution among Uganda’s institutions of Higher Learning but an establishment that creates new knowledge and contributes to the country’s development by seeking solutions to the nation’s challenges.

As beginning to be established, the articles in this issue cover a wide range of disciplines that reflect the serious intentions of the institution to provide an avenue for development that is commensurate with the needs of a vibrant economy like Uganda’s.

Research is the bedrock of knowledge on which the future of a developing nation can depend. It is a reflection of the thinking of future leaders whose duty is to create a better tomorrow for everyone, regardless of their pursuits in life.

As a Christian-based institution, at BSU we are proud to be builders of the future.

Access the Issue (Vol. I Issue 3 – September 2023) here: https://jodet.bsu.ac.ug/index.php/1/issue/view/5

Click here to see articles for Vol. 1 Issue 2

Click here to see articles for Vol. 1 Issue 1

Our God Reigns.

Prof. Laban Erapu