The Office of the Academic Registrar, Bishop Stuart University has released the first Admission List for successful applicants, April Intake, Academic Year 2023/2024.
Circular No: BSU/A/001/APRIL/2023
Dear applicant,
Warm Christian greetings. The University is pleased to inform you that you have been selected and recommended for admission to different academic programmes for April intake Academic Year 2023/2024.
Please take note of the following.
- Admission letters will be released starting Monday 17/4/2023 upon payment of a commitment fee of 100,000 Uganda Shillings
- You are requested to show evidence of payment of the application fee before picking your admission letter.
- You are requested to present any authentic identification document before your admission letter is released.
- The official reporting date will be 6th May 2023
- For Diploma in Nursing Science, Diploma in Nursing Science-Extension, and Diploma in Midwifery, reporting will be on 17th June 2023
- For Bachelor of Nursing and Bachelor of Nursing Completion, reporting will be in August this year and the date will be communicated.
- Please note that we are still open for applications for the same intake. Apply online. Click here for a full advert
A list of successful applicants for April Intake 2023/24 is hereby attached below.
Academic Registrar’s Office is giving instant admission letters for both April and August intakes 2023/2024 to applicants who meet Bishop Stuart University Admissions Criteria.
I congratulate you upon being admitted to Bishop Stuart University where Our God Reigns.
Jacquiline Kyomuhendo
Academic Registrar