As part of its activities to mark 20 years of existence and generational transformation of the community through holistic education, Bishop Stuart University under the Directorate of Graduate Studies, Research and Innovations, invites Academic and Administrative staff who received Research Grants, Young Scholars, Masters and Ph.D students for academic dissemination during the 7th BSU Week.
Dates and Venue
Date: 2nd August 2022
Venue: University Main Hall
Submission of Abstracts
Please send your abstracts to not later than 31st July 2022 at 6:00 pm. For further information and inquiries, please contact the Director, Directorate of Graduate Studies, Research and Innovations, Assoc. Prof. Gershom Atukunda on +256 701477444 or Ms. Kirabo Esther Kafete – Administrator Graduate Studies, Research, and Innovations on +256 772320618