To: All Graduands for the 17th Graduation.
From: The Academic Registrar
Copy to: VC, US, DOF, DQA, DAR, DGSR&I, Deans and HODS.
Date: 28/4/2022
Subject: Clearance with the Academic Registrar for the 17th Graduation will officially close today 28/4/2022 at 1.00 pm.
Please take note:
- That graduands who will have cleared with their Faculties and Finance by 1.00 pm on 28/4/2022 but not with the Academic Registrar, will be given Letters of Award and shall wait for the 18th graduation.
- Those who will not have cleared with their faculties by 1.00 pm on 28/4/2022 SHALL NOT receive the letters of award and will automatically await the 18th graduation.
Thank you.
Clearance with the Academic Registrar for the 17th Graduation
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