All Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students;
Continuing students and Freshers (AY 2021/2022) and Freshers (January Intake AY 2022/2023)
1. Welcome to Bishop Stuart University (BSU)
We welcome all continuing students and freshers admitted and reported to join Bishop Stuart University for both AY 2021/2022 and AY 2022/2023
2. Admissions Ceremony
The students shall officially be admitted to their specific programs at BSU after the successful orientation week is done and all freshers shall take Oath.
3. Condition for Registration
i) The University Policy under Article 8.0 on students’ registration says that every student shall register per semester and within 40 calendar days after reporting.
ii) During registration, you are required to present your original Academic documents for verification. For Avoidance of doubt please note the following.
a) The HEC students’ minimum entry requirements are at least two subsidiaries passes or one principal pass obtained at the same sitting.
b) Ordinary Diploma minimum entry a requirement is at least one Principal pass and two subsidiaries obtained at the same sitting.
c) Bachelors Degree minimum requirements are at least two principal passes obtained at the same sitting
d) Postgraduate Diploma Minimum entry requirement is a Bachelors Degree.
e) Masters Degree Minimum entry requirement is a Bachelors Degree.
f) Ph.D. minimum entry requirement is a Masters
iii) Verification and Falsification of Documents
All students are subjected to document verification at the time of admission, Registration and Graduation. At any stage, if discovered that you were admitted without the minimum entry requirements and or you presented false documents, your admission, and all the subsequent registrations, semester results, and Awards before and after graduation shall be canceled.
iv) Late Registration
a) After 40 calendar days have elapsed, a surcharge for late registration shall be charged. But registration is a process each student must endeavor to complete even when he/she has paid late Registration.
b) After 75 calendar days from the beginning of the semester, you may be denied registration.
c) For continuing students and freshers for AY 2021/2022, the failure to register in time, late registration fee of 50,000/= shall be charged starting on Monday 14th February 2022.
d) For Freshers of the January Intake AY 2022/2023, Normal Registration starts on Monday 14th February 2022 and will end on Friday 25th March 2022 and thereafter communication for Late Registration shall be given to you. You are therefore reminded to pay tuition and register in time to avoid the Late Registration surcharge.