National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) emphasis on eLearning
Following the Presidential address on 21st June 2021 regarding the operation of the Higher Education Institutions during 42 days of lockdown, NCHE guided the institutions that were already actively involved with online teaching and other academic activities to continue.
BSU is ready for Open Distance and e-Learning (ODeL)
BSU has wholesomely embraced the guidelines from NCHE and developed an e-learning policy and ODeL policy that were approved by the University Senate and Council.
NCHE visited BSU for an assessment of readiness to roll out ODeL and we are glad to inform you that BSU has been accredited for ODeL for all the 89 academic programs. Teaching started in the 1st lockdown in 2020 and we have commenced this semester with continuing with students.
Staff are equipped with computers and ready to teach online
The University has supported staff in securing computers in order to be effective in online teaching. Additionally, MTN zero-rated our online eLearning platform this means that lecturers and students can access the platform for free. Lecturers are also engaging students through various avenues including Zoom (NITA zoom accounts) and BigBlueButton.
We have dedicated technical staff allocated to each of the five faculties these help students and lecturers in the process of learning.
Advice to Parents and Students
Parents should support students to acquire smartphones, laptops and iPads and buy internet to help them study online.
Students are required to pay at least 50% of tuition in a period of two weeks for the smooth running of the university. Parents are requested to pay online through mobile money to avoid bank queues and COVID-19.
Parents monitor your children and find out if they are studying and support them to study from home.
August intake academic year 2021/2022
We are currently open for applications for August intake Academic Year 2021/2022. Applicants are urged to apply online through our online admissions portal ( There is no need to come to campus since application forms can be submitted online and payment for the forms is also made online through mobile money.
Once again, thank you for listening. I wish you fruitful discussions and continuous support towards Bishop Stuart University growth and Development.