Call for applications: Administrative officers law short course leading to a Certificate in Administrative Law

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Call for application Administrative Law course

Faculty of Law, Bishop Stuart University announces a Short Course for Administrative Officers leading to a certificate in Administrative Law. The course will start on 7th June 2021 and end on 9th July 2021 – ONE MONTH (EVENING) at the Faculty of Law premises.

The tuition fee is Ugx. 500, 000 (no application fee) and payments should be made to Bank A/C Name: Bishop Stuart University, Account No: 20002267 (Ankole Diocese Millennium Sacco).

Payment Terms: Full Tuition before Starting the Course.

Targeted Audience: Civil servants, Administrative Officers, CEOs, Clergy, Lecturers, Teachers and Entrepreneurs

FacilitatorsFaculty of LawBishop Stuart University. To Apply,  pick application forms from the Faculty of Law, BSU.

For more information, contact:

Academic Registrar
Mr. Abdon Rutega
Tel: +256 707200703

Head of Law Department
Ms. Twikirize Parton
Email: |
Tel. No:+256 755715056