
Call for applications: Entrepreneurship in Agribusiness course for all students

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Call for applications: Entrepreneurship in Agribusiness course for all students

Are you a young entrepreneur aged below 35 years, do you have an innovative Agribusiness idea, do you link to graduate with your own business? here is a business opportunity. All students are invited from across all Departments and Faculties.

This course has been provided by Agripreneurship Alliance (AA) from Switzerland, and on-line resources provided by African Management Institute. The best business plan from the participants of this course will be awarded a prize of $1,000 to execute their business plan.

How to apply

  1. Address your application to BSU Agribusiness Incubation Hub
  2. Attach evidence that you are a student of Bishop Stuart University and mention at least two referees.
  3. Submit your proposal to the Administrative Assistant, Dean Faculty of Applied Sciences before the closing of business on Saturday 1st March 2021.

Register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf2UMrDklLq0RBxQFQsrbMl8dTVYpVT-ke6Sq8L16bU_AdLTw/viewform

DownloadPoster for the training advert

Email: agribusinessincubator@bsu.ac.ug for any inquiries call: 256 7054 24750 | 256 77266 6145

Also, read

Watch Steven Carr, CEO and Co-Founder of Agripreneurship Alliance talking about Bishop Stuart University during SIANI Annual Meeting 2020 Held 30th January 2020

The Training of Trainers’ (TOT) workshop for the Entrepreneurship in Agribusiness course

Agripreneurship Alliance impact story