Bachelor of Laws second and last pre-entry examination for the Academic Year 2020/2021

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Bachelor of Laws second and last pre-entry examination for the Academic Year 2020/2021

The Academic Registrar, Bishop Stuart University announces that Bachelor of Laws pre-entry examination (second and last) for the Academic Year 2020/2021 will be conducted from 06th January to 07th January 2021 at the Faculty of Law premises in Rwentondo, Kakoba while observing the COVID-19 SOPs.

Pay shs.50, 000/= for the examination in favour of Bishop Stuart University Account number: 1632101000223 Post Bank or 6004408576 ABSA Bank and present a bank slip on the day of the examination.

The examination will be conducted following the Ministry of Health guidelines and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) against the spread of Covid-19 as listed below:

  1. Mandatory wearing of face masks by all candidates and officials
  2. Measuring everyone’s temperature before accessing the University and examination venue
  3. Mandatory washing of hands before entry in the University premises and examination venue
  4. Availability of hand sanitizer in the examination venue for candidates and officials
  5. Social distancing with a four metre (4m) sitting distance (social distance) between applicants
  6. A maximum of 15 Applicants seated in a standard classroom
  7. Candidates will not be allowed to borrow any item (Pen, pencil, rubber, ruler, Calculator, etc) Candidates are reminded to carry sufficient items needed to write the examination.
  8. Scatter realising of applicants for break, lunch and final dismissal to limit interactions.
  9. Candidates will be allowed at the Faculty 30 minutes to examination.

For additional guidelines and more information, candidate should send an e-mail to or call 256707200703.

Download a list of all applicants (second and last) to check for your name and the shift you are in

Bachelor of Laws Pre-entry Examination Payment Procedures Academic Year 2020/2021

Invitation letter (PDF) for Bachelor of Laws Pre-entry Examination AY 2020/2021

Read also Bachelor of Laws Pre-entry Examination for the Academic Year 2020/21 (1st Batch)