To: All Finalist Students under RECESS PROGRAMME
- BED – Primary and Secondary
- Christian greetings from Bishop Stuart University, we hope you are all in good health and safe despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown by the HE the President of the Republic of Uganda on 20th March 2020.
- Finalists are those students in their final years of study and who have semester II, 2019/2020 academic work to complete their courses.
- The University Council during the 50th Council meeting held on 8th June 2020 approved the decision of the 85th Senate meeting held on 4th June 2020 that one month and 2 weeks be sufficient to cover the remaining course content for all finalist students once HE, the President of the Republic of Uganda has eased the lockdown.
- This is to inform you that the university will re-open for resumption of studies on Thursday 15th October 2020 in order to complete the Academic activities for semester II, AY 2019/2020.
Please note carefully:
A) The orientation and training of both students and staff on compliance to COVID–19 SOPs as per MOH guidelines for Regular students is to take place on Friday 16th October 2020 and students MUST come with:-
- 4 two-layer cotton masks.
- 50 mls individual alcohol based hand sanitizer.
- A University Identity Card which you will carry with you at all times.
- Personal belongings including beddings, personal hygiene items etc.
- Enough scholastic materials to avoid borrowing from classmates.
- Either a personal Smart Phone, laptop or Tablet for teaching and learning purposes.
B) The orientation and training for Recess Program students with their Academic staff shall take place on Saturday 17th October 2020. The class timetables will be released not later than Monday 12th October 2020.
C) Effective Teaching for Regular students shall start on 19th October 2020 while for the weekend and Postgraduate students shall commence on 24th October 2020.
D) Effective teaching shall end on 13th November 2020 while examinations shall start on 16th November 2020 and end on 28th November 2020.
E) The Coordination and management of the field based examinable Academic activities i.e. School Practice shall be communicated to you at a later date. Ensure to come ready and well prepared for them.
F) All students who had not yet paid and those who had made partial payments for semester II tuition (before the closure of the University due to COVID–19 Pandemic) are required to pay up to 100% for semester II 2019/20 in order to complete their studies without any inconveniences.
G) For payments, students are required to use the ZEEVARSITY system. The University services will be accessed by only fully paid students.
H) Every student shall be ready to observe the Standard Operation Procedures (SOPs), respond positively and adhere to SOPs to avoid the consequences.
5. Hostels shall be accessed by only finalists who were cleared to report but continuing students are not expected to report back to campus and due to COVID-19 therefore not allowed in Hostels until further communication is made by HE, the President of the Republic of Uganda.
6. Looking forward to receiving you, Stay Safe while at campus and in your Community.