H.E Rosa Malango visits Bishop Stuart University

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Hillary Natumanya explaining Multiplication of endangered species project

A team led by H.E Rosa Malango, the United Nations Resident Coordinator & Designated Official for the Republic of Uganda has today visited Bishop Stuart University Youth Green Projects at Agribusiness Incubation Hub.

The projects include Charcoal Briquettes from farm wastes to replace charcoal, Banana Multiplication on endangered species, Production of Organic fertilizers from plant wastes mostly banana peelings, and Urban Farming which reduces pressure on green vegetation and puts small land to use for high yields.

H.E Rosa Malango was impressed by other students’ innovations like Banana Flour, Lemon Aftershave, Paper Bags from Banana Fiber, hand sanitizers liquid soap, Toilet Cleaners, Banana Cakes, and Animal Feeds and pledged to support the University.