Pheona Nabaasa Wall, Vice-President Uganda Law Society, and Senior Manager Legal Services National Water and Sewerage Corporation was today hosted as a guest speaker during the Annual Law Public Lecture that took place today morning Thursday 5th March 2020 at the Faculty of Law under the topic “The law and practice on e-commerce”.
During her presentation, Lady Pheona said that since buying and selling of goods and services on the internet (E-Commerce) is common now, lawmakers should be vigilant to help the public.
“E-commerce is on the rise as more traders and customers find it easier to transact online in the comfort of their own homes and offices. Due to the rapid growth of E-commerce, it is important for it to be regulated because once misused, it can do more harm than good”, she highlighted.
She also mentioned that there are various laws in Uganda that have been put into practice to help to govern the E-commerce sector and that any lawyer in the field should make themselves familiar with these laws (The Electronic Transaction Act, No. 8 of 2011, The Electronic Transactions Regulations, The Electronic Signatures Act, No.7 of 2011, The Electronic Signatures Regulations, The Contracts Act 2010, and the Data Protection and Privacy Act of 2019).
She also warned law students on Cyber Crimes in E-commerce